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2 months ago - 25 likes

hey reminder do not be fucking weird or sexual on my videos. you and other creators might think its funny but not everyone does and i dont want unwarranted sexual comments on my art. thats fucking weird. i didnt ask for that and the art wasnt even remotely sexual.

i have boundaries. other people have boundaries. dont assume everyone is just okay with you being a weirdo in the comment section. you are not funny for being explicit to a random artist.

this goes for weird fucking comments between moon and pebbles or survivor and monk too. its not funny. stop it. i have tried to keep this private but it keeps happening and its really starting to piss me off. i dont understand why youtube is the *one* platform that cannot have decency towards artists. tumblr and twitter i have not gotten anything like this.

stop it. im getting fed up with it.

3 months ago - 34 likes

art month stuff

3 months ago - 49 likes

hello utube have some sona outfits and some bathbomb

4 months ago - 36 likes

woe, gay slugcats upon ye

4 months ago - 53 likes

should i post here?? is that something people like?? uhhh. have Art

1 year ago - 21 likes

unlisted most of my videos since most of them im not rlly proud of anymore,,, and im not really that into warrior cats anymore either so most of my posts will be about other things i like!! except to see more rain world content… if anyones into that… ill probably post SOME wc content every now and then but at the moment i just want to generally distance from it. so yea <\3 and no the unlisted videos wont ever be made public again most likely… maybe ill put them in a playlist at most buut probably not. sorry to everyone who enjoyed them its just i dont rlly like them anymore!!! today today and a few other map parts will be left up but nearly everything else is being unlisted. sorry :(

1 year ago - 14 likes

sorry i haven't uploaded in a bit!! haven't got much chance to upload anything just yet... expect more oc content coming soon though :))

1 year ago - 32 likes

people saying frecklewish x reedshine is just as bad or worse than mapleshade x reedshine is the most hilarious thing ever to me honestly. how is frecklewish x reedshine, two characters who never even met before, worse than a serial killer and the pregnant woman she attempted to kill?

mapleshade outright hates reedshine. we know this. she wants her dead and thinks she stole appledusk away from her. we don't know what frecklewish thinks of reedshine, because they never interact. ever. frecklewish probably doesn't even know she exists. not to mention frecklewish is an unhealthy state of mind when she hates riverclan at the time? mapleshade has hated reedshine since chapter 1, way before she ever got exiled. so it's strange for people to even COMPARE the two

1 year ago - 40 likes