Welcome to Salar kitchen
Aslaam u alekum viewers this channel is about easy recipes cooking baking tips and tricks, which is very easy to follow and anybody can make yourself, family and friend happy. You will learn a lot if u join and give me chance .
I’m Shaista Zahid, a Wife , mom to 3 boys Sudais ,Salar and Saim, I am from Pakistan , and love baking and cooking. Thanks to a life long education from my mother. My mom cooked every meal we had and I loved spending time with her in the kitchen watching, helping, and learning as she made everything. Now Salar doing the same.
Salar is 5 year old boy Cooking is his passion he is ready in apron to cook anything, after finding hidden talent of cooking in salar.
Salar kitchen !! was born! For Salar (and off course for me) the most satisfying part of making any dish is sharing it, so I started blogging to bring what I make to all of you.