Editing [Hiatus]/Animash [Hiatus]
🕳 I love all about space & galaxies =)
🕳 Christian (Not religious at all btw)
🕳 22 years
🕳 B-Day on 12th August
🕳 My Motto: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
🕳 I often draw & I love to watch into the nightheaven...
🕳 My English isn't the best xD
🕳 My favourite Animals: Wolves/Griffins/Every Cat (big or smoll)& horses^^
🕳 I have 2 cute "kittens" and a young dog
🕳 My Bands/Singer : DArtagnan, Nickelback,...
Moin, Middag, Nabend - Whatever! Du bist zu jeder Zeit richtig auf meinem Kanal
wenn du..
- (Manchmal) Dumme Fandmades magst
- Du Greifen über ALLES liebst... oder magst^^
- Du kaputten Humor verstehst
-Gerade Langeweile hast :(