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Focusing on emotion in games.

1 week ago - 84 likes

who up gleepin their glip glop

1 week ago - 335 likes

took this pic yesterday

3 weeks ago - 114 likes

I can't wait to post this Xenoblade Chronicles tour.😩

This is my longest tour EVER clocking in at just over 35 minutes.🤐 Get hyped, this video is "poggers".

4 weeks ago - 63 likes

Xenoblade Chronicles fans, I can FINALLY say that I beat the game and the expansion. I will begin work on the second VGWT episode posthaste. Also, look forward to another video or two on the game.👀I might have TWO new series in the works that will both see me talking about Xenoblade. I'm excited to talk about this game again.

1 month ago - 139 likes

Who would you like to see me collaborate with?

I've been doing my Video Game World Tours solo for quite a while, but I think it'd be fun to get other creators in on some videos. Hear another creator talk about a spot or two that interests them.

So drop some people you'd love to hear from in one of my videos! Maybe even suggest a game you'd like to see them talk about.

I'll use my patent-pending Pretzel Networking Plan to reach out to people sometime soon and see if they're interested in making a short appearance or having me appear in one of their videos. I actually just need friends and this is my way of doing that. Won't someone please be my friend?

1 month ago - 266 likes

50,000 subscribers... wow. Thanks a bunch everyone!
I'll keep making videos until my fingers fall off from writing too much.

(read below for some thoughts and a question at the end)

It's been a journey to get to this point, and it's kinda scary to think this is still only the beginning.

I've been trying to find a direction for the channel for a bit. I like talking about video game worlds, but I also like talking about things other than that! Though It seems like videos outside of that niche (and even inside the niche to be honest) have been hit or miss in terms of view count. So I'll ask:

What do you like about my videos?

What got you to follow me in the first place?

I realize I can have all kinds of ideas in my head about what I think my strengths are, but I might be totally off base. I wanna hear what YOU guys like about my videos. That way I can know how to best thread the needle on broadening out my content but still appealing to those of you that just like my VGWT videos.

If you read this far, you're a true pretizen. Thanks and keep pretzel'n on. 🤘

1 month ago - 275 likes

Just realized I released my 50th Video Game World Tour the other day! Here's to 50 more.

Guess it's time for another check in. What games would you like to see covered in the series?

1 month ago - 330 likes


1 month ago - 157 likes


2 months ago - 295 likes

wait im goated