Minna san konnichiwa/Hello everyone it’s me Al Dominic J. Nacua born and raised in Carcar Cebu Philippines and now currently living in Cebu City. I was a technical Intern trainee from japan started June 22, 2017 until August 15, 2020.then I started this vlog to share my knowledge and skills with regards to Grass Cutting, Shrub Trimming, Ground Cleaning, Planting, Cutting dead trees and such related Landscaping work..
Purpose: I want to share and teach some basic landscaping techniques in which I learned from Japanese landscaper I worked with.
Aim: To become a good steward to our surrounding to whom God entrusted us.
Genesis 1:31 And God saw everything that he made, and behold, it was good.
Genesis 2:15 And the Lord God talk the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
Thank you for watching my channel and please subscribe and hit the notification bell for the new updates. God Bless!!
Arigatou Gouzaimashita otsukaresamadeshita!!