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Epoch Philosophy

77.5K subscribers - no pronouns set

Art, theory, technology, and philosophy.

Epoch Philosophy
2 weeks ago - 72 likes


Epoch Philosophy
2 weeks ago - 80 likes

Little reminder for everyone our video "Native American Philosophy: An Excursion Into the Self" is up on Patreon for ad-free early viewing! Also, extending it to the new $1.50 for a limited time! Consider signing up to help keep this show rolling!

Epoch Philosophy
3 weeks ago - 211 likes


Epoch Philosophy
3 weeks ago - 46 likes

Alright everybody! As per the last post about potentially opening up a smaller tier on Patreon, as per the occasional request, I wanted to make this happen! So, we'll now have a $1.50 per month tier without all the Patreon perk fluff. For full transparency, the channel has seen a massive downtick in pledges for the past year. We went from around 200 members to half that, with the biggest reason being financials. Definitely been some off and on struggles with keeping this channel rolling. That said, if even if less than a quarter of the subscribers here were able to contribute $1.50 a month, not only would I be able to steadily create more consistent videos, but expand onto what we already do. I want to be able to make much longer videos in the future and go more into depth as well. (Hey, and some of that money goes to other creators on Patreon!)

Do consider signing up for whatever pledge you can afford, it really does make a massive difference in breathability and the ability to experiment and do cooler stuff! Anyhow, that said, I would like to announce that our newest video "Native American Philosophy: An Excursion Into the Self" is now up on Patreon! And as a bonus, I'm granting ad free viewing to the video for even the $1.50 tier!

Aside from the financial pandering (sadly needed though) around the channel, huge thanks to everyone who is here and finds continual value in the channel. You guys rule.

See you guys in a week or so when the new video goes public!

Epoch Philosophy
3 weeks ago - 24 likes

Hey, everyone. Have a quick question I've been meaning to get input on. Perhaps every 2-3 months, I get a message from a gracious viewer who wants to help financially support the channel, but cannot quite do the lowest $3 a month tier over on Patreon. I know a ton of you are, like me, university students, or are generally just strapped for cash. I want to gauge everyone and see if you've also been in this boat and if I made a $1.50 tier just for tips, you would feel more financially comfortable supporting future videos. When people leave Patreon, one of the largest reasons in the exit survey is that their financial situation changed.

Hope these questions are never tedious. Crowdfunding on here is super critical for survival. So, for many, would a $1.50 tier on Patreon be something you would be more interested in and/or comfortable with?

Epoch Philosophy
1 month ago - 28 likes

A very, very good video for you all to watch:

Epoch Philosophy
1 month ago - 164 likes

Coming up next.

Epoch Philosophy
1 month ago - 247 likes

Every so often I get the urge to speak into the ether my gratefulness for an audience that actually thinks my videos are cool and all the appreciation therein. Kinda crazy this channel is even a thing?

To all who this concerns, thank you. Y’all are awesome.

Epoch Philosophy
1 month ago - 66 likes

Hey, everyone. Hope everybody is having a good weekend.

I am in need of an editor for some projects I have in the works. I'm not sure if I have any editors on here! If anyone is interested send me an email at: