My name is Alex, or alikite (al-ick-ight). I'm an American agnostic transhumanist. I'm pan and I don't have preferred pronouns, just call me whatever feels comfortable for you. I'm AMAB/biologically male but I seek to be able to change my gender at will in the future through bionic means. I suffer from several severe mental health conditions like PDA Autism and Major Depression. I believe in peace through abundance, exploration, and technology. I like story writing, material science, and AI technology (within ethical limitations). I want to make machines that can craft/recycle anything. I have no preferred American party, but if I was forced to choose I would almost always choose liberal. I prefer personal enlightenment over spiritual enlightenment, and would rather simply accept my irrelevance to the universe than accept my suffering being part of some grand plan. Unfortunately I am Mississippian. Space should be an industry. Life is sacred only because we choose to give it meaning...