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Awaara Musaafir

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The Awaara Musaafir Show is a highly popular podcast hosted

Awaara Musaafir
13 hours ago - 43 likes

Hari Aum Tat Sat! 🙏

New Podcast Episode Tonight at 8 PM! ✨

In this episode, we have a special guest, Parveen Sharma ji, who will delve into the profound topic of spirituality, Hinduism, Patanjali's Ashtanga Yog & Bhagvad Gita. Join us as she uncovers the true essence of being spiritual and shares practical insights on how to practice Sadhana.

Parveen ji will also discuss the customs and practices we should follow when visiting temples, and provide an enlightening explanation on the topic of women not being allowed in temples during menstruation.

Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation! Tune in tonight at 8 PM.

#TheAwaaraMusaafirShow #HindiPodcast #ParveenSharma

Awaara Musaafir
3 days ago - 77 likes

On tonight's episode of The Awaara Musaafir show..
Gulshan Devaiah opens up about his love life, Bollywood, his relationship with Mr. Anurag Kashyap and Mr. Vivek Agnihotri & much more!

This is an episode full of fun and laughter, Gulshan shares some secrets of Bollywood and tells us what does love mean to him!

Full episode relases at 08:00PM tonight!

#TheAwaaraMusaafirShow #HindiPodcast #GulshanDevaiah

Awaara Musaafir
4 days ago - 28 likes

Muslim League had accepted Mountbatten Plan because of which of the following reasons? 🤔

Vivek Agnihotri talks about Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s reality -

#TheAwaaraMusaafirShow #HindiPodcast

Awaara Musaafir
5 days ago - 32 likes

Who among the following was one of the speakers after Jawaharlal Nehru to address the Parliament on the midnight of 15 August 1947?

Vivek Agnihotri Talks About The Delhi Files & India’s Partition -

#TheAwaaraMusaafirShow #HindiPodcast

Awaara Musaafir
6 days ago - 41 likes

When was the Indian Independence Act passed by the British Parliament? 🤔

Vicek Agnihotri talks about India’s partition -

#TheAwaaraMusaafirShow #HindiPodcast

Awaara Musaafir
1 week ago - 125 likes

Indian Filmmaker Mr. Vivek Agnihotri on The Awaara Musaafir Show!

In this episode we talk about a plethora of subjects, right from The Kashmir Files to Dharma and India's partition on which Mr. Agnihotri is making a film now by the name of The Delhi Files.

Vivek and Jayesh deep dive into the meaning of Dharma, what it means to be a Hindu, what is the real meaning of Sanatan. They also talk about how no one has read Vedas (including Jay) yet everyone talks about being a TRUE Sanatani these days. They discuss the making of The Kashmir Files and its political correctness. Vivek also talks about his next two projects - Parva, a film based on Shri S. L. Bhyrappa's book and The Delhi Files, a film based on India's partition.

Mr. Vivek Agnihotri is a brilliant thinker who will make you question your reality, your ideology. He states that an artist and the youth of the country should always oppose the government to increase the government's efficiency.

Do tune in to this episode tonight!
Releasing at 08:00PM.

#TheAwaaraMusaafirShow #HindiPodcast #VivekAgnihotri

Awaara Musaafir
2 weeks ago - 59 likes

In June 2004, Israel set a new course in its approach to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict when the Israeli government approved Ariel Sharon’s plan for disengagement from Gaza. The plan was carried out in the summer of 2005 and had a lasting impact on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as well as on the State of Israel as a whole. Prior to Israel’s Disengagement from Gaza, what percentage of the population there was Jewish?

Want to know what’s the real issue of Palestine?
Checkout this podcast -

#TheAwaaraMusaafirShow #HindiPodcast #PalestineConflict

Awaara Musaafir
2 weeks ago - 159 likes

What is really happening in Palestine?
What is the role of Iran in this whole issue?
Why is Israel hell bent on decimating Hamas?
Is Iran a threat to the world?

All of this & much more explained by Abhijit Iyer Mitra on tonight’s episode!

Episode releasing at 08:00PM. 💯

#TheAwaaraMusaafirShow #Iran #Palestine

Awaara Musaafir
2 weeks ago - 199 likes

What is spirituality?

Why seek something, that is far away from our reach?

Why seek something which we aren't even sure exists?

How do we know what we're seeking, is actually worth seeking?

Being spiritual is not about connecting to God, it's more about connecting with yourself because at the end of the day we're the universe, everything that we're seeking is already inside of us, we keep asking questions but we forget, answer to every question is within us.

For me spirituality is more about connecting with the universe, I believe if there's one true God, it's this universe manifesting itself in various different things & people, taking various different faces! When Lord Krishna shows Arjuna his Vishwaroop, Arjuna is unable to fathom what he's seeing, what he's feeling because in that moment, Shree Krishna was this universe, this universe was Shree Krishna, Arjuna was him, he was Arjuna, Kauravas, Pandavas, Animals, Plants, Wind, Earth, Water, it was all Krishna & Krishna was this universe!

Spirituality is not something that has right or wrong, for each of us the spiritual source & the spiritual course is different, we all reach that single point through various different routes, some are longer, some are shorter, there's no right or wrong here as long as in your path you don't harm anyone else.

Seek yourself. From within you, will come all the answers. You're the whole universe, it's just that you haven't realised it yet. The day you realise this, you'll be enlightened, that will be the day you'll experience true joy, because that will be the day when looking at the world, you won't have any thoughts in mind, you'll just observe the world, for what it is, without thinking of anything, that will be the true meditative state, that will be enlightenment! 😌✨

#TheAwaaraMusaafirShow #Spirituality #Spiritual

Awaara Musaafir
3 weeks ago - 160 likes

You know our relationship with books is weird, it's just like our relationships with other human beings. Sometimes we're with someone to feel something & other times to feel nothing. I feel books are also the same for us, every word, every page, every hour of reading a book.. you're just trying to feel or maybe trying to not feel anything at all.

I have always wondered why are we all like this? Why do we like to torture ourselves with our thoughts & others with our feelings? Humans are all a mess. Sometimes we find our happiness in someone's smile & sometimes we find peace in our own darkness.

When tomorrow comes we tell ourselves today will be different, today we will rise & shine, we try our best & then by the end of the day, we're back to sulking, we're back in our dark corners of peace & loneliness.

Sometimes life just takes us on a ride, from here to there, reminding us of who we are & who we can become, we tend to believe that some other person will come & save us from who we're becoming but in reality, it's always us, always, we are the only ones who can save ourselves from our own demons.

To be very honest, the more I try to figure out life the more I get entangled in the weird sparkles of life. The more I try to figure out the magic, the more I get dissolved in the darkness. It's like, you fall for someone's smile, the sunshine of their heart, you want to hug them & keep them with you forever but life has different plans.

Who makes us & why? Do we come with a purpose? Do we have higher responsibilities? In the mess of finding answers to all of these questions we often forget to answer the smaller questions like, why do we smile when we fall in love? Why do we breathe better when we're happy? How do we become this goofy human as we grow up?

I guess, to figure out life, is to live life, is to believe in your own self.

Maybe, we need to live a little more.
