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Megan Renee

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I'm a comedy writer working my way towards a career in TV wr

I promise I’ve been writing, you just haven’t been seeing it Okay things are getting serious now Gotta know when to hold off What can I say? Writing is rewriting. Eventually there will be a day when I get on here and say I actually finished this outline. One day I powered through my tummy ache, but finishing my outline was sacrificed Act three, here we come! It’s time to push through now Let the funk be gone IT’S HAPPENING Things are picking up now I’ll take slow and intentional over fast and rushed any day Who could’ve possibly guessed: dedicating time commited to writing actually helps? I’m flabbergasted Of course as soon as I say I’m gonna go back and forth I end up on a roll🤪 Time for some ping pong! Moral of the story: I’m in a weird place and I’m working on it Patience, patience, patience Posting late, but I promise this was yesterday Warming back up😂 Somehow I always forget about this stage in my writing process This really is the best feeling Prepping myself to get back to my normal schedule Things will get more back to normal next week I am INSPIRED Gotta do what you gotta do Getting back into the swing of things now Okay, I’m starting to feel like I’m getting back into the groove You know things are serious when it’s time to pull out the index cards How is it only Wednesday?? We’re back! (but for real this time) I’m back! Small break, but now we’re back Weird Barbie, reporting for duty 🫡 The pure joy when bff walked in and I realized we were matching On vacation writing mode Not expecting much from myself today I’m having so much fun with this My inspiration is sparking for this story!! There are too many ways to make fun of how much I didn’t make sense today, I can’t choose Things are really moving now This story is really starting to come alive for me Its almost time to start breaking the story🙌🏻 Careful progress today I was CONVINCED the sound wouldn’t work today Ughhhhh this voiceoverrrr Totally unrelated 😅 I don’t know why I ever expect the sound to work at this point NO ONE MOVE OR THE SOUNDS GONNA DISAPPEAR OR SOMETHING