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Soul Growth with Vi Vi Thai

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This channel is the journey of my personal growth. Life is f

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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Soul Growth with Vi Vi Thai
Posted 3 months ago

Recently, my biggest nightmare became a reality!

My beloved 30-year-old camper van, in which I had traveled and lived for the past 6 years, crashed on the Trans Canada Highway. The entire rear end was completely destroyed and caught on fire. Unfortunately, there weren't any parts available for a van of that age, so it wasn't possible to restore it. However, I'm grateful that despite the horrifying incident, there was no gasoline leaking at the time of the fire, and both my dog and I were safe. Several kind-hearted people passing by stopped to help extinguish the fire. In an instant, my van was gone, leaving me feeling shocked and stranded. I had no place to go and no friends or family nearby to ask for help. I had to call for a tow truck, but I didn't have a destination in mind, as I didn't know anyone in the area. In that moment, I wished it was all just a bad dream and not reality. I couldn't believe what was unfolding before my eyes, and I longed to wake up and find that everything was okay and I was still living my beloved van life. As hard as it was to accept, it wasn't a dream.

After the incident, it took me several weeks to come to terms with the reality. I am no longer living the van life; it's gone! The van provided me with the freedom to go wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted - to be nowhere and everywhere at the same time. But now, even a simple trip to the grocery store requires me to ask for help, as there's no public transit in this small town. I felt like I had hit rock bottom once again. I felt completely powerless and helpless.

I've been here before in this place 10 years ago. It's all so familiar.

Only this time, I have gained enough experience and have enough tools to not go down to the bottom of the rabbit hole like last time. I refuse to give it all up and be defeated like I was 10 years ago. I try to remain calm and centered and avoid stirring up trouble. I stay grounded as much as I can by going on walks with my dog, Marco, walking on grass, and immersing myself in the energies of the ocean and mountains. I stick to my routines to anchor myself and adjust to this unusual situation. I release my emotions through journaling, listening to soothing sounds, meditating daily, and using Reiki to clear negative energy and help with healing. I've realized that self-care is crucial during tough times, and I need to support myself more than ever. Despite the challenging circumstances, I did not panic or become angry. Just two weeks after the incident, I was able to find suitable accommodation, which is rare considering I have a dog and we're in the countryside. And I couldn't survive in my van for too long with limited water, shower, and propane for cooking and staying warm. What a silver lining!

I am extremely grateful to have a safe place to stay. Instead of asking why this happened to me, I am asking what lesson I am learning here. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that everything happens for you, not to you. Ten years ago, my whole world was turned upside down, which led me to live my nomadic dream in this beautiful camper van. Because of that fall, I found a new sense of freedom.

For the last several months, I have been feeling that it's time for me to transition to a higher state of consciousness, and this van life has served its purpose; perhaps I was meant to let it go. I have been wanting to transition to a different lifestyle, I just didn't expect it to be this drastic and disruptive. But I know that there are still lessons in it that I need to learn and grow from. Perhaps, it needed to happen so I could hone and master everything I have learned in personal growth and energy healing.

Emotionally, I have been able to recover a lot faster than 10 years ago. I am eager to get back on track, on my feet, and catch up on everything I have put on hold. When I felt stuck and frustrated, I asked myself if none of this happened and I still had my freedom, what would it be like, what would I be doing?
I would be flying in the sky, conducting sound healing sessions, and practicing Reiki all over Nova Scotia. That's exactly why I'm hosting these Reiki sessions. I'm doing this to free myself from feeling trapped while helping others. I know I'm not the only one going through a tough time. This year has been very intense energetically, with lots of powerful planetary movements. As I can't go around freely to conduct sound healing sessions, I hope that I can help others who are going through a tough time like I am with Reiki. Whatever you're facing. I hope these energy clearings can help you heal in some way.

On June 16th, Venus and Mercury will move into the sign of Cancer, associated with home and family. Their presence brings the energy of love and communication to our homes. As I work on establishing a solid foundation for my home, I realize that it is also a reflection of my inner sanctuary, which also needs a stable foundation. This is an opportune time to focus on clearing out the clutter in our inner selves so that we can build a strong foundation to endure any challenges that come our way. By creating an inner sanctuary, we can manifest it in our physical surroundings. Therefore, I believe that these energy clearings will be beneficial to help you rid yourself of what no longer serves you, allowing you to create a better foundation for your own inner sanctuary. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Click the link below to register.

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Soul Growth with Vi Vi Thai
Posted 3 months ago


Hello friends, I will be offering 2 Holy Fire Reiki events this month.

1. 💫Childhood Trauma Clearing and Negative Entity Clearing💫

You can sign up via Eventbrite at this link

Or E-transfer $25 to me via

When: June 16 at 6pm-7:30pm AST (Atlantic Standard Time) via Zoom virtually

The first clearing is to assist emotional traumas that happened at the time of birth, gestation, ancestral trauma, etc.
The 2nd clearing is to assist with releasing negative energy or unwanted spirits that attach to your energetic body. This is especially necessary for empaths.

2. 💫Capricorn Full Moon Ritual💫

You can sign up via Eventbrite

Or E-transfer $33 to

When: June 21, 7pm-9pm AST (Atlantic Standard Time) via Zoom virtually

This event is designed specifically for material manifestation as Capricorn emphasizes materialism, so we will be working with this energy. There are several parts to this event: blockage identification, blockage release, and receiving divine love to open the heart chakra to receive abundance.

If you're not focusing on manifestation and just curious about Reiki or to enhance your spiritual growth this event is great for that as well.

These 2 events are not connected, you can attend either one, but of course the more clearing you do, the better it is for your well-being and easier to manifest your goals.

For more information about Holy Fire Reiki please visit my website

More details of the events can be found on the Eventbrite event page


Reiki is a simple and gentle energy technique that is used for stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatments, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. Reiki can complement any medical or psychological care one is receiving. The body has the ability to heal itself and to do so, complete relaxation is often beneficial. Long-term imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal itself.

#reiki #energyhealing #meditation #Holistichealing

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Soul Growth with Vi Vi Thai
Posted 3 months ago

Exactly 12 years ago, around this time, I was accepted to Cornell University, where I pursued Master degree in biomedical engineering with a focus study in the research and development of medical devices.

I've been seeing a lot of 12:12 a lot lately for the last several months. I've always wondered what it means? I know it is an #angelnumber , but the explanation in the book didn't quite fit for me. So I kept asking and searching for its meaning. Not until couple days ago after receiving this diploma, that it was dawn on me the meaning of 12. It's an elevation, a completion of a cycle. But completion of what? Something was telling me, what happened 12 years ago? And just like that, I connected the dot.

I realized that sound healing tools and medical devices are not so different from one another. They both are healing tools. However, sound healing tools have a mystical element to it that scientists have yet fully understood. A lot of research has been done on this subject within the last decades. There is more and more evidence of the efficacy of sound on healing the body. On the other hand, medical devices are well known and developed through the rise of modern technology. They are well studied and understood. As I understand this, I realize that the same theme is recurring in my life, hahaha...

But it is different this time around with more alignment of the heart and the mind, intuition and logic, in the healing work. To me, sound healing is the integration of spirituality and science because to do the healing work, you need to understand both and utilize both of these aspects. However, with medical devices, there's a lack of spirituality aspect. It's driven mostly by logic.

I felt as the universe took me out of the biotech world and put me on another path that is not so far off from it but more in alignment with the spiritual world, more in alignment with the #newearth , and more in alignment with my higher self. Edgar Cayce predicted that sound will be the future medicine, and I have no doubt that it will be. We are only on a brim of it. I can't wait to see a more exciting future of holistic healing. Having to understand this, I couldn't be more grateful for this experience. It is also a huge lesson in trust and faith for me, as sometimes you don't see the full meaning of the path until 12 years later...Always trust that the universe have your back and your spirits will always guide you to take the higher road 🥰

#soundhealing #soundtherapy #meditation #spirituality #ascension #alignment #revelation #lightworker

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Soul Growth with Vi Vi Thai
Posted 5 months ago

Hello Nova Scotian friends,

I am hosting a series of events in Bedford area for sound healing. The energy of April has been hectic and intense, the more reason to wind down and relax. Come, relax, and de-stress from your busy schedule.

Details are below 👇


When: 7pm-8pm April 16th, 23rd, 30th 2024

Where: Studio room at Luminate Co Wellness Market

486 Starboard Drive, Halifax, NS B3M 0N6

Reserve your spot at 👇

Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of Tibetan singing bowls, gong, and drum, and let go of stress and tension. This event will take place at Luminate Co Wellness Market, a tranquil space perfect for healing and relaxation. Come unwind and recharge with us!

To ensure you have a relaxing experience, please bring these items when attend the events:

- Yoga mat or something comfortable to lay on

- A pillow

- A blanket

- An eye mask

- A bottle of water

- A note book to journal at the end of the session (optional)

✨Benefits of Sound Healing️✨️

- Stress relief and relaxation

- Restorative, transformative and self-healing

- Connecting people both personally and socially

- Assists in re-balancing and harmonizing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies

- Assist with improving sleep quality

- Can transcend time – people often report that time went quickly or very slowly…

- Works on a cellular level through vibration, frequency and entrainment –- and is not reliant on mental effort to achieve this!

- Sound healing is one of the emerging healing modalities that is gaining in popularity – non-invasive, gentle, and powerful!

- Deepen spiritual journey

Please arrive 10mins early to not disturb those in relaxation

#halifax #halifaxevents #soundtherapy #soundhealing #tibetansingingbowl #relaxation #meditation #mindfulness #awareness

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Soul Growth with Vi Vi Thai
Posted 5 months ago

Marco and I just moved back to Van Life this week. We literally moved on the solar eclipse new moon day. Coincidence? It's a brand new beginning!! However, it has been a challenging week as there are many things I need to readjust, the van needs some work done, lots of TLC, on top of that planning for the sound healing events in Halifax. If you're in town, you can check out the events here

The energy of April has been unstable for me with so many changes, so I'm behind with posting videos. It's has been an exhausting week. A lot of cosmic energy is going on, which affects me in a big way. Big transition and transformation underway. It's not necessarily bad, just a lot to navigate through. If you're also dealing with this energy, remember to stay centered and stay positive, don't react. There's a lot of turmoil in the world, as well as within in us. It's a reflection, as within so without. Wish you much love ❤️ and peace ✌️

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Soul Growth with Vi Vi Thai
Posted 5 months ago

Hello friends,

I just posted a video to guide you how to utilize the Spring Equinox Energy for manifestation. Check it out 👇

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Soul Growth with Vi Vi Thai
Posted 1 year ago

Hi guys, I just posted a new video on my channel. This video is all about my process of growth and change over the last 10 years. It was interesting to see how I have evolved to the person I am today. Click the link below to check it out

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Soul Growth with Vi Vi Thai
Posted 1 year ago

After surviving 1 winter storm in the Atlantic 2 weeks ago, I decided it was time to move into a house in a countryside, and boy that was a right decision, last night it went down to -27C feel like -44C. The wind blew so scary last night, this morning the power went out, but luckily we have a wood stove here to warm up the house. I don't know how I would survive that in my van with this insane weather . It was a good move. I posted a new video how I survived the first winter storm and the move, check it out here

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Soul Growth with Vi Vi Thai
Posted 1 year ago

Hi guys, 👋

I'll be posting a new video about updates on my hives condition after 1.5 year of fasting. A lot of information to share regarding to fasting, intermittent fasting and how I have been able to integrate this new habit and keep up with it for over a year. Make sure your notification is on when the video goes live, so you don't miss it 😊

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Soul Growth with Vi Vi Thai
Posted 2 years ago

Officially moving back to my van last night, after a whole week of cleaning and moving. I deserve some relaxing time now and enjoy this home on the road 😌

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