My name is Russell McDonald and I'm a mortgage broker, real estate broker and inventor in the SF Bay Area. I've been working in these fields for more than 30 years. This has given me certain insights into finance, credit and technology and I want to share some of that information with you here. I have two mortgage companies and a software company that provides very niche solutions inside the mortgage space. Basically if we ever need a specific tool first we try to just find it in the open marketplace. It's a lot easier to buy a program than create one. If we cannot find what we want then we go about creating it. Sometimes these tools are only used in-house at my other companies and sometimes we make them available to the public.
Russell McDonald | NMLS 290837 | Broker CA DRE 01150730
Wymac Capital, Inc. | NMLS 18766
TRADMOR.COM, Inc. | NMLS 1637088