I try sweets, test, eat and taste food products of established brands (mostly), products that have barely been listed in stores in Romania. Weekly, I also post what's new on the shelves of stores in Brașov, but not only, on the facebook.com/manChi TV page. I've been doing this voluntarily since 2014 without being sponsored! From sweets, juices, to the strangest exotic fruits and dairy; they are all here. The same topic is on the blog. On this channel there are reviews with Ovidiu + manChi + guests. The activity started sometime in 2013-2014 on the blog (250 reviews) and continued with a migration to YouTube sometime in 2015-2016 (over 420 videos).
Thus, you will be the first to find out what's new in Romania, what I'm eating and drinking!
I am the first and the oldest in Romania in this niche, from which other Romanians have been inspired! I brought the 'try sweets' type of videos to Romania.
We look forward to your videos; on Facebook, blog, TikTok and Instagram!