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Scientists Against Myths

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Do you follow conspiracy theories? Do you doubt that humans

Scientists Against Myths
1 month ago - 103 likes

The project started in August 2020 and lasted more than two years. The funds were collected through crowdfunding on the site. We thank everyone who helped the experiment take place! Reconstructors Olga and Yulia spent 5 days a week hammering, chopping, sawing, drilling and polishing diorite in a small workshop in Kemerovo, under the watchful gaze of two webcams broadcasting online.

Scientists Against Myths
1 month ago - 87 likes

The translation of the video about the diorite vase is ready. We'll publish it in a couple of days

Scientists Against Myths
6 months ago - 117 likes

How we unwittingly trolled Joe Rogan

In January 2023, Ben Van Kerkwyk, an “independent researcher”, known for the @UnchartedX YouTube channel dedicated to studying the “secrets of the past,” a well-known American adept of lost ancient civilizations and high technologies, was a guest at Joe Rogan’s famous podcast.

In case you live on another planet, Joe Rogan @joerogan is one of the most popular bloggers in the world watched by millions; Celebrities such as Elon Musk, Oliver Stone, Neil deGrasse Tyson, to name a few, have been guests at his podcast. Sometimes he also interviews propagandists of “alternative history”.

At minute 55 of the show, Ben starts talking about the mysterious “Core #7”, a cylinder of red granite, found by Egyptologist Flinders Petrie in the 19th century, and very popular among advocates of ‘lost ancient high technologies’ as an ‘out-of-place artifact.’ Previously, we made a video about this artifact, and Oleg Kruglyakov penned an in-depth article about it.

Ben mentions the “spiral groove” and the incredible drill that penetrates granite at a speed 500 times faster than modern technology can handle, and sneers at the unlucky archaeologists who unsuccessfully tried to drill granite with an abrasive tube.

We have heard and read this story many times, both by Ben, and by Christopher Dunn, and by their Russian colleagues from the Laboratory of Alternative History (LAI), so there is little revelational about the story itself. But there is one small detail: admiring the incredible grooves, Ben and Joe were looking at photographs not of the notorious Core #7, but of the core obtained by our fellow experimenter Nikolai Vasyutin in his experiments on drilling granite with a copper tube with an abrasive!

Longread “Joe Rogan, “lost ancient high technologies”, and the experiment by Nikolai Vasyutin” by Georgy Sokolov can be accessed here:…

Scientists Against Myths
6 months ago - 38 likes

Coming soon...
For now in Russian:

Scientists Against Myths
8 months ago - 48 likes

Our "Nazca Humanoid Mummies: The Big Fraud" series is especially relevant today 😉
Episode-1. Who Is Selling Aliens?
Episode-2. Aliens Cutaway
Episode-3. Reptilian DNA

Scientists Against Myths
1 year ago - 36 likes

New video - today!

P. S.

Scientists Against Myths
1 year ago - 11 likes

In the Middle Ages, Dmanisi was one of the most prominent cities situated on the routes of the ancient Silk Roads. But it turned out that people had started settling here a lot earlier. In 1991 under the Medieval ruins, there had been found the most ancient remains of early human in Eurasia dated back to 1.8 Ma. They are really only distantly related to the modern humans, but they are the first species of the genus Homo to ever leave Africa.

Scientists Against Myths
1 year ago - 25 likes

Coming soon...

Scientists Against Myths
1 year ago - 42 likes

You may have heard a claim that ‘official’ historians are trying to rewrite history: they are said to falsify chronicles and destroy objectionable documents. You know, history is written by the winners and all that. It may come as a surprise, but thousands of years ago, Ancient Egyptian pharaohs regularly engaged in "editing the past", like a kind of the Ministry of Truth of Ancient Egypt. How did they do it? How do modern historians catch them red-handed? And what do the ancient Egyptian helicopter, tank and submarine have to do with it? Watch the new Pseudoscience Spotlight video by the Science Station project. Video narrated by Alexander Sokolov, who specially went to film in Luxor, Egypt in January 2022.

Scientists Against Myths
1 year ago - 29 likes

How Pharaohs Rewrite History?
Coming soon...