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Fumoto - ハッピー

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25th November 2023: After thinking about it for quite some t

Fumoto - ハッピー
1 year ago - 25 likes

Hi, it's me, Fumoto.
I just wanted to stop by to say hello and report that I'm still alive. I am very sorry for not wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I completely forgot about the existence of this place.
Regarding my activity, I very much doubt that I will return soon, don't worry, I usually go into periods of demotivation, apart from the fact that I need to concentrate on my studies to be able to go to high school. I am very sorry if I have left everyone stranded here, and several nice people I have met and have not kept in contact with them, lately I am somewhat mentally tired and it weighs heavily on me to carry out any activity, no matter how small.
But this will not be the end, I will try to make things better and maybe have a new beginning!
I hope to be able to return soon if it is not too late! I love you guys. ❤️
How have you been?

Fumoto - ハッピー
1 year ago - 34 likes

"I just joined to see how you are"

HELLO? MY HEART. * cries happily *

Fumoto - ハッピー
2 years ago - 26 likes

[E n g l i s h]

Greetings to all, here Fumoto

First of all, this post is to apologize for my increased inactivity on the channel, if you see, before I uploaded one video per week, and from that I went to 2 weeks until I reached 1 month. This is not due to the accident at the hospital, in fact I am perfectly healthy, my emotional stability is the problem, well, for the third time, it did not help me to go to the psychologist, and I tried to see how I can have contact with him again, but It has been useless for me, so I have depended on other things to feel better (from healthy and unhealthy), and despite feeling that I have fixed most of the problems that arose, in reality I felt worse and worse, this did that I did not want to make the content that I brought, and in the end I did not know how much time I was leaving between each video, I am sure that I did not lose the passion to do this, since in fact I really like this kind of jobi, but it is difficult for me having things on top.

Perhaps the inactivity will continue like this but at least you know why this happens, and as always, I thank you very much to those who have worried about me and have considered my effort too much, really, I love them too much, they encourage me to stay here <3, have a nice day and drink some water. ❤️

[S p a n i s h]

Saludos a todos, aqui Fumoto

Antes que nada esta publicación es para dar diculpas por mi aumento de incatividad en el canal, si ven, antes subia un video por semana, y de eso paso a 2 semanas hasta que llegue a 1 mes. Esto no se debe al accidente del hospital, de echo me encuentro perfectamente de salud, mi estabilidad emocional es el problema, bien, por tercera vez, no me sirvio asistir con el psicologo, e intentado ver como puedo volver a tener contacto con el pero me ha resultado inutil, a si que he dependido de otras cosas para sentirme mejor (desde saludables y no saludables), y a pesar de sentir que he arreglado la mayoria de los problemas que se presentaban, en realidad cada vez me sentia peor, esto hizo que se me quitaran las ganas de hacer el contenido que traia, y al final no me entere de cuando tiempo estaba dejando entre cada video, estoy seguro de que no perdi la pasión por hacer esto, ya que de echo me gusta mucho esta clase de jobi, pero se me dificulta teniendo cosas ensima.

Tal vez la inactividad siga asi pero por lo menos ya se sabe el por que ocurre esto, y como siempre, les doy muchas gracias a los que se han preocupado por mi y han considerado demasiado mi esfuerzo, de verdad, los amo demasiado, me impulsan a seguir aqui <3, tengan un lindo dia y tomen algo de agua. ❤️

Fumoto - ハッピー
2 years ago - 158 likes

Happy Monday. XD

Fumoto - ハッピー
2 years ago - 66 likes

I am very sure that this time I did come back for stay X'D

Fumoto - ハッピー
2 years ago - 82 likes

Bad weed never dies >:) ✨

Fumoto - ハッピー
2 years ago - 129 likes


Fumoto - ハッピー
2 years ago - 102 likes

Working :D

Fumoto - ハッピー
2 years ago - 33 likes

Happy April Fool's Day, I'm here to bring you a reminder so you don't believe everything they're going to tell you X'D (I say because it's already happened to me)

And don't worry, I don't plan to make any heavy jokes, I'm not one of those people who likes to see the "stupid" face of others :') I know how horrible it feels x'd (sorry for being boring X'DDD)