I am a theistic evolutionist. This means I accept the traditional theory of evolution and a billion yr old earth, and don't see it conflicting with scripture.
I also believe a large portion of God's word was not included in the bible during the canon process.
And I believe, without question, that both John the Baptist and Jesus were part of the third major religious sect operating at the time of their ministries. This third religious sect was known as the Essenes.
Something that may offend many Christians is that I also believe there are falsehoods in scripture for the purpose of testing us, and that Paul was a apostle of Satan.
I am presently active on Facebook and can be found in the groups with the links provided. The group TrustinJC318 was started by myself for the purpose of discussing all things related to both canonical and non-canonical scripture, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Essenes, keeping the Torah, keeping the Sabbath holy, Paul being a false apostle, and much more.