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Chaim Danzinger - Rostov Rabbi

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🌟Jewish motivation; stories of past & present | 🏒Canadian

Chaim Danzinger - Rostov Rabbi
3 months ago - 81 likes

“Behold the Guardian of Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalms 121:4 - Am Israel Chai ✡️

Chaim Danzinger - Rostov Rabbi
3 months ago - 105 likes

When we first moved to Russia, I was too embarrassed to show up to our Synagogue wearing some elaborate costume. No one did that. And they just wouldn’t get it.

Back in California, Purim was all the hype. Everyone would deck out in costume from head to toe. But in Russia things were so much more formal.

As the years went by, I felt more strongly that I wanted to bring more of the Purim spirit to our synagogue. So I finally gathered the courage to make the leap . I got a lot of side eye glances and confused looks. But eventually they warmed up to it. And actually started loving it!

Now, 15 years later, they anxiously await to see what this years costume will be. And a good chunk of our shul members have even joined the costume bandwagon! There’s no looking back

Chaim Danzinger - Rostov Rabbi
4 months ago - 0 likes

Check out our episode on the meaningful people podcast - had a fun and candid conversation about our mission to Rostov

Chaim Danzinger - Rostov Rabbi
4 months ago - 39 likes

Fifteen years ago today, we embarked on a one-way flight to Russia, taking a leap of faith as we began our new Shlichus (mission) to the Jewish community of Rostov. We are immensely grateful to our local community for the invaluable teachings and daily inspiration they provide. Equally, we extend our gratitude to our broader community abroad, as you are an integral part of our collective journey. Thank you for all the love and care you send our way. ♥️♥️

Chaim Danzinger - Rostov Rabbi
5 months ago - 44 likes

Yeshiva week is here…. and instead of snorkeling in the Caribbean or skiing in Colorado, our Rostov boys are actually spending their week… in Yeshiva!!! Where they will be diving into the world of Torah at the Yeshiva of Moscow! We couldn’t be more proud of our boys! #jewsofrostov

Chaim Danzinger - Rostov Rabbi
5 months ago - 36 likes

WWII veteran Yitzchak Kadaner is celebrating his 97th birthday today - he shared this with us:

“When the Nazis conquered Rostov, my grandparents Solomon and Miriam were too old to evacuate the city.

So they stayed behind hoping for the best.

My aunt - Esther refused to leave without them.

On August 11, 1942 the Nazis rounded up Solomon, Miriam, Esther and the rest of the Jews of Rostov to the outskirts of town where they were all shot dead.

The only thing I have left are my scant memories and some photos.

Please, do me a favor. Publish this photo of my dear grandparents and aunt in the next publication you make.

I don’t want them to be forgotten.”

-in loving memory of Solomon, Miriam, Esther and all the Jews of Rostov who were killed by the merciless Nazis.

Chaim Danzinger - Rostov Rabbi
6 months ago - 40 likes

shiva schedule is tight! Each minute of Torah learning is precious. But sometimes a little inspiration can go a long way.

Was an honor speaking to these enthusiastic yeshiva boys in Coral Springs this afternoon - and happy to report our future is bright!

Never turn down an opportunity to engage with our future leaders. Especially now.

Chaim Danzinger - Rostov Rabbi
8 months ago - 27 likes

During difficult times, Jews pray. So we came to the resting place of the 5th Lubavitcher Rebbe in honor of his birthday to pray for Klal Yisroel and that all the hostages return home safely.
Among the hostages are dear members of our community Irena Tatti and her family - who only have us to pray for them as their entire family is in captivity. #jewsofrostov #bringthemhome