So......... Have you ever heard a riff, a melody, a bass line, or a drop that was just so tasty that it gave you the impulse to make that stank face? You know which face i'm talking about. Have you ever taken a bite of something for the first time that subsequently made the the same way and gave you the same impulse? In making that connection i've gone ahead and come up with probobably the best/dumbest idea ever.Introducing #ScuzzDuzz,
A series of cover songs from all different tastes and flavors; from
heavy, to not so heavy, and groovy to weird. Different flavors hit people differently, so to preempt each video release, I will post a tease the day before with a picture of whatever food the coming song reminds me of. So take a look and take a guess, have a laugh. The next day the video will be released with a description of the parallels between the two, conjured up by my stupid brain ;)