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Ami Melaine

8.66K subscribers - no pronouns set

Hey, welcome to The Shadowed Path. My name is Ami and this

Ami Melaine
2 years ago - 7 likes


Ami Melaine
2 years ago - 3 likes

Hey there, lovely humans!! Iā€™m so sorry Iā€™ve been offline for so long. Iā€™ve basically just been on medical leave. I am editing a video for you and will be back with regular uploads soon! Thank you for your patience and kindness and support, as always. šŸ’œšŸ–¤ I finished my painting of Freyja!!

Ami Melaine
2 years ago - 5 likes

Wrist/finger/hand pain is NOT helping me get the video edits done. Buuuuuuut I was procrastinating before this... WTF, ADHD?!

Ami Melaine
2 years ago - 0 likes

I amā€¦ so behind, folks. I will do my best to have a video up on Friday! Mental illness is a bitch. But Iā€™m on my way!

I may change my schedule to just ā€œ2ish videos a week!ā€ instead of Mondays and Fridays šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

Ami Melaine
2 years ago - 0 likes

Hey there, lovely humans! I completely failed to upload my Monday video yesterday... but! I uploaded it today! So, please enjoy this ridiculous montage of me somewhat failing to make a scrying mirror šŸ¤“

Ami Melaine
2 years ago - 6 likes

My video isnā€™t happening today, folks! Iā€™m so sorry I didnā€™t upload this morningā€¦ I WILL get the hang of this new schedule. I will!

Until thenā€¦ hereā€™s a picture from the gayborhood!

Ami Melaine
2 years ago - 4 likes

Hey there, lovely humans! I didnā€™t upload a video in time today, soā€¦. Hereā€™s a picture of my plant babies! See yā€™all Monday šŸ–¤
**edit: "plant" typo. SO embarrassing...**

Ami Melaine
2 years ago - 10 likes

Hi, everyone.

I know itā€™s been awhile. Iā€™m making plans to end my hiatus and post consistently soon. Unfortunately, timing isnā€™t the strong suit of gods and daemons, and Iā€™m relying on mine for direction.

All that aside, I think we need to talk about something:

Due to some recent stories that have come out about the Become a Living God publishing company, EA Koetting and a few of the others, Iā€™ve decided to remove my summoning circle video.

Iā€™ve never been involved with themā€¦ I just donā€™t feel comfortable contributing to their business while there are such serious allegations of harassment, sexual harassment, racism, trolling and bigotry toward trans and LGBTQIA+ folksā€¦ not to mention the potential ties to murder.

Itā€™s so important that we stick together as a community right now. Sorcery, for most of us, is not about harming others and thereā€™s no excuse for it.

I hope these stories are untrue, but until we know, I just canā€™t recommend Become a Living God materials anymore.

Moving forward and always, I will continue to try to support and recommend resources that are humane and ethical.

If any of you ever find out something that concerns you about a resource, author, witch, etc Iā€™ve recommended, please email me directly at:

Please enjoy this picture of my napping puppiesšŸ¾

See you soon, loves.

Ami Melaine
2 years ago - 9 likes

Hey, yā€™all! Iā€™m here, again, to say that Iā€™m sorry for my infrequent and erratic posting. I truly canā€™t wait to make more videos for yā€™all and I have a whole bunch of your requests stored up. And as soon as my brain lets me, Iā€™m in there like swimwear!!

Thanks for your love, patience, and support.

Ami Melaine
2 years ago - 3 likes

Hey, y'all! Have you had a chance to check out my most recent video? FIRST REACTION EVER O_O It was so nerve-wracking and weird, but I'd love to hear what you think. :)