Here you can find:
Quizzes such as:
Guess the flag, guess the country shape, guess the animal, find the difference between emojis or images, different type of geography and entertainment quizzes.
Stories based on:
Science, relationship, fun facts, history, geography etc.
Some interesting funny sketches created and animated by me.
I will post whenever comes interesting idea in my head, that's why this channel is based on different topic because to have videos for larger audience who can find videos what they like to watch. I'm not professional in editing or programing, so I know my videos not so good quality but I don't ask much from you just sometimes watch it or leave a subscribe, I'll be thankful on you . And to not forget if you have any ideas for videos, let me know in the comment section and if I can and have possibility to make it that video for you.
✨100 Subscribers - 25.08.2023 ✅