This channel is all over the place but if you like Camera Gear, Cars, and Music I hope you'll like the content that I try to out out as much as possible,.
As of 2023, I'm a 46 year old Japanese American in a "midlife crisis". Thought it would never be too late to try something I always wanted to do. I've recently been dabbling with:
*** Camera Gear with the intent of creating a DIY Camera Car Rig - something that could hold up to something from Filmotechnic at the fraction of the cost
*New Tech
* Drones
* DJing and a music
* Filming beautiful cars as a hobby (thanks to my best friend D)
* I'm a K Pop Fan
If you'd like to see the more professional side of works I gave been involved in please checkout our company website at:
今年で45才になる日系アメリカ人、New York 生まれ・在住の自称 DJ Kei(ケイ)です。何歳になっても新しいことを始めるられると言う思いで試行錯誤中。自分が初心者のくせに無謀にもDJ講座動画や音楽にまつわるトピックを題材に動画を作っています。そのほか仕事私生活を乗っ取られる前の90年代に作曲した曲や作ったミュージックビデオなどをアップしています。