Many Canadians no longer recognize our great country. Our laws, rights, and societal values have been perverted by the numerous government officials currently in power. Long before COVID-19 these very issues had been festering in the background. With the emergence of the pandemic and the ever so draconian methods placed upon our people have simply brought all of it to the surface, exposing the bedrock of corruption that has been established to allow such tyrannical rule of Canadians.
Keep on fighting for our rights, keep on resisting for "just one day longer!" For aslong as it takes And we shall win this fight for our freedoms!
And whatever happens remember, the good regardless of the situation will ALWAYS prevail. History is proof of this. Stay strong canada, but also stay kind and true to who we are. for we shall be the new Foundation for which freedom shall stand again, stay proud, stay strong but most importantly stay FREE!