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Awakening To Spirit

166K subscribers - no pronouns set

Hey, I'm Cindy! My hope is to provide a different and broad

Awakening To Spirit
1 week ago - 1K likes

Why you donā€™t always catch Larry and especially Lilly in a video, see schedules belowšŸ‘‡

Larryā€™s schedule: šŸˆ
1st appointment - food bowl
2nd appointment - litterbox
3rd appointment - self grooming
4th appointment - bird watching in his outdoor play pen (this is an extended appointment that has no time constraints and can go on for hours or be cut short by wet weather), often chipmunk and rabbit watching can also be included in this appointment.
5th appointment - cat nip on the rug in the family room
6th appointment - food bowl
7th appointment - water bowl
8th appointment - litter box
9th appointment - exhausted, need to find mom and lay all over her work table and spiritually charged playing cards and show my fans how handsome I continue to be (he may or may not get this timing right for me to be recording but will still lay on my table). šŸ˜…
Thatā€™s half a day, heā€™ll repeat as necessary. šŸ˜

Lillyā€™s schedule: šŸ¶
1st appointment: Kitchen to her food bowl and watching mom cook until entire meal is completed and dishes put away (you never know what food could drop, never cut this appointment short).
2nd appointment: walk with mom to sniff, pee and poo.
3rd appointment: back in kitchen for after walkies treat and drink of water.
4th appointment: sleep anywhere in house until hear mom state ā€œuntil next time, be gentle with yourselvesā€. Run to mom because it must be lunch time and time for second shift in kitchen!
5th appointment: lunch time and second shift in kitchen under the entirely same guidelines as the first shift in the kitchen.
6th appointment: go outside for quick tinkles and a bit of time in the sun.
7th appointment: sleep anywhere in houseā€¦
8th appointment: continuing to sleepā€¦
9th appointment: still sleepingā€¦
10th appointment: go with mom to pick boy up from school.
11th appointment: waiting in kitchen for dinner prep to start and mom to clean out boys lunch thermos to see if there were any leftovers! šŸ˜‹
12th appointment: dinner following predictable kitchen duty routine already established in morning and afternoon.
13th appointment: always wide open to whatever mom is doing, maybe in the backyard, maybe on the couch snuggling, maybe chasing Larry, this appointment runs into bedtime for Lilly.

And that my friends is how the show goes! šŸ¤©

Awakening To Spirit
1 week ago - 338 likes

There is and always was a time stamp for Scorpio in my latest reading for ā€œAll Signsā€.
For whatever reason YouTube just doesnā€™t convert it into a thumbnail, but if you look at the actual type written timestamps you will see it, Iā€™ve also pinned a comment from a lovely viewer who added the timestamp to the comments of the video. So stop telling me that I forgot Scorpio! šŸ¤£
ā€œScorpsā€ know me, I love their energy, we have a great time together, I would never forget my precious ā€œnaughty with a dash of niceā€ sign! šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·

Awakening To Spirit
1 week ago - 436 likes

ā€œThe passage to Heaven is guarded by Peter, where you will be rejected because you were a pig feeder.

The gates of hell will lure you soon, all lost souls eventually face this doom.

For the spilling of these maidenā€™s blood, your sentence to hell will never be revoked, instead an eternity reliving the carnage you once invoked.ā€

If you know, you knowā€¦ ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹

*Edited to include: Most donā€™t know and it is simply a poem that I created stating the heavenly truth about the passing of a cruel, cruel man and those who were also involved and who think that they have gotten away with it.

Awakening To Spirit
2 weeks ago - 1.3K likes

My mom bought this and gave it to me! šŸ¤£. Iā€™m not joking when I say that I thought I had her fooled all of these years into thinking my house was always clean by cleaning it just before she would visit!
I think this means I should just let myself go because Iā€™m clearly not fooling anyone! šŸ˜‚

Awakening To Spirit
3 weeks ago - 805 likes

Thank you for all of the positive feedback on my first puppet tarot!! Iā€™m not kidding when I say that I had at least half a dozen instances of that little voice in the back of my head telling me that this was going to destroy what little reputation I had in the tarot community!
Iā€™m glad it worked out, was funny but also resonated for many!
Iā€™ll definitely do it againā€¦ but the cast is a little eccentric and difficult to get all together at the same time. It will definitely happen when they can all come back together again! šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·

Awakening To Spirit
1 month ago - 1.9K likes

This is the face that I get when I tell Larry that itā€™s my Tarot table! šŸ™„

Awakening To Spirit
1 month ago - 2.4K likes

There still seems to be some confusion over whose YouTube channel this is?
Just to clarify, itā€™s MINE Larry!

ā€¦ Honestly, I donā€™t know anymore! šŸ¤£

Awakening To Spirit
2 months ago - 1.8K likes

I have been going through some type of transformation myself over the past few weeks and I know many of you have wanted to know why I havenā€™t been releasing more zodiac readings? The energy of the zodiac has felt so heavyā€¦ each time I prepare to do a zodiac reading the energy feels so heavy and karmic. Each time I have finished doing a zodiac reading the energy feels so heavy and karmic.

Iā€™ve only been doing them when I really felt a strong desire to and even then I was still pushing through this weird energy surrounding it. I sat down with the intention to do Aquarius and Pisces today and as I was preparing and clearing my desk of oracle decks, the card of The Oak Men flew out and landed in such a way that they/he were staring right at me. I know many people over the past couple of years have wanted more Oak Men readings, but it doesnā€™t work that way, at least not for me. The Oak Men have always been an energy that I am invited to, not the other way around. I suppose I could have tried to push my way in, but that never felt right with their energy. Theyā€™ve always felt like a wise elder whose boundaries I should respect.

The minute I locked eyes with The Oak Men an entire scene played out in my minds eye. I could see each symbol of the zodiac stepping forward as they prepared to walk out of the ā€œdark forestā€ and into an open field. The words ā€œend of a five year cycleā€ kept playing on repeat in my mind.

So yes, there are going to be messages about the end of a ā€œfive year cycleā€ for each zodiac sign through the energy of The Oak Men.

I have completed Aquarius and Pisces (they will come out tomorrow morning) and yes, I am pleased to say that the heavy karmic energy was not there! šŸ„°