Krylic - originally a Paladin from the diablo 2 realm, it steams from the Dragonball-Z character Krillin, and 2 of the ancients from diablo 2 Talic and Korlic. After about a year the name resurfaced once I rolled a Blood Elf Hunter on WoW. From there its become my online identity following my reroll from hunter to paladin again.
I am the Worlds best Pug healer, though I really dont play WoW much anymore nore have time with the wife to play a lot of Tera... so ya....
But I am a Paladin of the Light and Darkness. I seek balance. Theres a place and time to be good and to be a troll. Knowing the difference is what intelligence is. Inspire others and I'll help you on your quest. Seek to be just a pain in the ass or troll. I'll hunt you down and place cock in ass.