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Brett Maverick

1.71M subscribers - no pronouns set

Just a kid who loves, challenges, fitness, and self developm

Brett Maverick
4 months ago - 835 likes


I’m looking for 1 - 5 dedicated, driven guys to work side by side with me to reach your goals. If you’re working on a transformation of your own and you’d like to accomplish this together, you can apply through this form

Brett Maverick
4 months ago - 976 likes

Which name?

Brett Maverick
4 months ago - 439 likes

Be honest.. what is your TRUE goal of watching my videos?

Brett Maverick
5 months ago - 565 likes

Join me in my first ever private community...

The 5to9 Fraternity

This community was community was carefully crafted with the main purpose of helping you go from a "5" to a "9" on the attractiveness rating scale. But as you will find, there is so so much more.

Within you will find:

-step-by-step looksmaxxing guide
-weekly live calls to chat with me
-the brotherhood you always desired

I await for you on the inside. See you there.

Brett Maverick
11 months ago - 575 likes

I made a gum that improves your jawline. Have you heard about it?

The Gum:…

Brett Maverick
1 year ago - 851 likes

Im always trying to understand my audience better. So I'm curious what religion you practice?

Brett Maverick
1 year ago - 119 likes

I worked really hard on this video, but it's flopping :/

Can you do me favor and check it out and let me know your thoughts?

pretty please :)

Brett Maverick
1 year ago - 57 likes

I ate a SCORPION in this video...

Brett Maverick
1 year ago - 105 likes

My new favorite video I've done :)

It would mean a lot if you watch the whole thing

Brett Maverick
1 year ago - 150 likes

Which setting is your YouTube?