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ሰላም የሕዋት ፍትሓዊ በረከት ይበሃል ፡ ዩቱበር፡ ፖድካስተር፡ ዝያዳ ሕጉስን ጥዑይን ኣፍራይን ህይወት ክንነብር ዝሕግዙና ስትራተጂታትን መሳርሕታትን ዝድህስሱ ቪድዮታት እሰርሕ፡ ከምኡ ድማ ነዚ አብዚ ግዜና ዘሎ ምዕባለ Technology ተጠቂምና ኣብ ረብሓና ነውዕለሉ ባይታ ንምፍጣር እዩ ስለዚ ስድራ ንኽትኾኑ ብኽብሪ ይዕድም የቀንየለይ።
Hello everyone, welcome to Hakote Media! My name is Fthawi Bereket, and I am a YouTuber and Podcaster. I create videos that explore strategies and tools to help us live happier, healthier, and more productive lives. I also focus on using the latest technology to our advantage. I invite you to join the family and be part of this journey. Thank you!