in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
May I have your attention, please?
So the German license of "Off The Record" was picked up by altraverse. Which we made a pretty awesome trailer for. Don't worry... there'll be an English version as well.
Since the publisher has the licensing rights we will only have a limited amount of books for my own shop. Because altraverse, me and pretty much everybody else (have to) wait for the license to get picked up (if you're a publisher: Hi! Want to license my book plz? >_< ).
A license means you'd safe ridiculous amount of shipping costs and could potentially read it in your mother tongue. Which would be... super cool.
So if you're impatient, you will get the chance to grab it in my shop once we can deliver to more countries outside of Europe again (USA and so on are still blocked due to Corona. Wash your hands, bloobs!). Otherwise please cross your fingers that somebody else picks up the book license.
I didn't forget the international community nor do I deliberately ignore anybody. Quite the contrary. We've pushed really hard to make things available within our (now) restricted options.
If you want to read more about Zoe and Henry and don't like audio books:……Long text, short subtitle: We're busy behind the scenes. Trust me, I WANT that comic to be available everywhere. The team worked 2 years on it. It DESERVES to be on your shelf.
LY and please stay safe and wash your hands and be the best hermit on the planet. <3 A
2.4K - 25
Ahhh! Bei mir kam es schon an!!!
Wer den Artist und Bea (Autorin) folgen will: (Story) (Story, Reinzeichnung, Ink, Coloration) (Storyboard) (Coloration)
8.2K - 122
Auf gibt es jetzt die Deutsche Leseprobe zu "Off The Record":
Morgen abend könnt ihr auch auf dem Youtube Kanal von Altraverse 2 der Artists (resident und comic only) kennenlernen und Fragen stellen! 18:30 gehts los!
for non-Germans: With Corona making shipping partially impossible right now, we pushed the shop release of the English version backwards and concentrate on the German release and Kickstarter. Mostly because shipping rates would be insane and we'd like everybody to have a fair chance to grab one. I will post more info about the English release once we can be sure shipping it to everybody is possible. Stay healthy <3
1.2K - 10
Henlo frens!
I am... actually looking for somebody. :D Sadly our VO Lucy isn't available anymore and I am looking for a female NATIVE ENGLISH VO who has a cute voice and equipment to record at home.
It's a payed job and rates need to be hashed out with the team once we know who fits. You need to be over 18 (simply for legal reasons because this involves much official contracts).
VO will be fully credited. Leave me a link to your reel. Soundcloud also works. Basically anything Jakob (producer) and I can both reach. <3
Hope somebody wants to work with us. <3
If you have questions, you can also reach out to Anne (our video artist) on Twitter: annedrawsstuff is the handle.
Stay safe and healthy, bloobs. LY
2K - 124
My strings gave out. Lol.. 😭💦 To make #stayathome a bit more attractive and to keep you busy, my Songbook can be downloaded for FREE. 💙
Otherwise simply search for Songbook on
Enjoy! I hope you like it.
PS. As some people struggle with it: the shop is connected to SendOwl, which means you still have to go through the whole cart-purchase-process for the unbelievable amount of zero. The "order" triggers the automatic delivery to your email box. The pdf will be generated for you specifically.
3.3K - 57
Uff... ach, wo fange ich an.
Raus damit: Leute, lasst den Scheiß mit "Corona Parties". Bitte schaut, dass ihr drin bleibt. Ihr habt das Internet, Telefon, Instagram usw. Ihr müsst nicht absichtlich andere in Gefahr bringen. Selbst wenn ihr nicht zur Risikogruppe gehört: Ein Freund, ein Familienmitglied, jemand an der Kasse mit Familie KANN dazu gehören. Und dann ist die -pardon- Kacke am dampfen.
Je länger ihr egoistisch seid, destro größer ist das Risiko für ALLE. Bitte denkt ausnahmsweise nicht nur an euch.
Schreibt mir ins Kommentarfeld, wenn euch langweilig ist. Was ihr gerade macht, worauf ihr euch im Sommer freut.... wie ihr euch beschäftigt. Aber bitte bringt andere nicht in Gefahr. Ihr seid nicht unkaputtbar. Andere auch nicht. Bitte. <3
1.7K - 113
Heute mal etwas für die Deutschen Fans (Hi! <3). Wir haben ganz tolle News für euch:
4.3K - 67
The physical copy of our album is in pre-order in our shop. <3
2.8K - 25
My name is Anna, i'm 20 and I speak German (mother tongue), English and a bit of French!
I upload original songs and music videos, karaoke versions for you to sing along and there's also Q&A videos answering hopefully some questions you might have. Sometimes I drag Damien Dawn into the studio as well, so enjoy the duet and his Q&A videos and say hi to him on his channel:
Fanmail Address:
freenet digital GmbH
"Anna Blue Fanmail"
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 32
10178 Berlin
My hometown doesn't offer P.O. Boxes (too small). Everything gets forwarded to me. If you want to write Damien simply swap my name with "Damien Dawn" ;)