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219K subscribers - no pronouns set

I create animations about random stuff. You can watch them i

2 years ago - 1.1K likes

I can't believe that I hit 200K subs before I got the 100K plaque, why is Youtube like this?? Anyways, as a late thank you, here's a little sneak peek at my next animation! It's definitely my most ambitious one yet so hopefully the wait will be worth it! :D

3 years ago - 3.8K likes

Happy new year! Hopefully 2021 is a great year for all of you :D
Here's a screenshot of my channel a year ago:
Oh how things change

3 years ago - 3.3K likes

Thank you so much for 12 thousand subscribers! I didn't ever expect this to happen but thank you none the less!

A little clarification, the character bellow is one of my OC's named Faith. I hope that's not too confusing, I just use her as my icon because I hate drawing myself. You can watch a view about her here: