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“ive been saying i could change some things i can’t let go”

2 days ago - 5 likes

my english teacher is so cool today music kids went on a trip and i was the only person in class and we organized the book storage closet and she told me to take whatever i wanted guys i got coraline too ive wanted to read that forever

1 month ago - 7 likes

cc pro review!!
my free month of capcut pro just ended and im going to review it for yall

is it worth it for everyone?
this answer sucks but honestly it just depends on what you’re looking for out of it

text effects?
certain text effects are definitely worth it, like blow up. however, when you screen record text, the quality usually stays high, as opposed to screen recording a regular clip. the pro fonts aren’t special, i import my own. the text themes and colors are nice, but they’re easy to replicate on your own

yes, the preset filters are good. im super bad at copycat filters, so i don’t know how to get the same result as a preset filter. although, there’s usually something similar to what you want for free

these are lumped together because pro transitions and animations literally make it so you don’t have to make an edit. if you’re looking to get to be a better editor with experience using things like keyframes and making your own effects, this is not the route to go

there are some pro templates, but usually they’re only “pro” because a lot of people exported it and capcut is then trying to make money off a high-export template. these aren’t typically worth it

honestly this goes the same as transitions and animations. fps lag and some other basic pro effects like that are nice, but for the most part, the free effects are pretty good. if you’re into making basic tiktok style edits, this might be worth it to you because you can apply one flash effect and basically have a whole edit done

quality/audio adjustments?
these are actually super helpful. recently, cc updated so you can adjust the quality of your clip to HD, which can make a big difference when you have a low quality scenepack. there is also a way to remove the voice from an audio, which i used a couple times to edit my audios. i use only clean audios and ive had to remove the voice on some parts of my audios to get rid of explicit lyrics. it’s pretty smooth, and its quick and easy

overall, i would not recommend cc pro. some of the stuff is nice to have, but for editors looking to advance their skill set, this is not the way to go. cc pro would be good if you are just looking to make basic style edits, and if you want to make them quickly. tip: if there’s one pro feature you need, just screen record it.

hope this helps!!