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Drinkers With Gaming Problems

2.5K subscribers - no pronouns :c

DGP is all about awesome gaming experiences. Whether that

Drinkers With Gaming Problems
2 weeks ago - 32 likes

To all of you across the pond - you know what day it is! Enjoy yourselves, and I’ll see you all soon!

Drinkers With Gaming Problems
3 weeks ago - 10 likes

A while ago, I posted a link for the daughters of my friends swimming the channel for Charity. I’ve just found out they raised over £50,000 in aid of our fight against diabetes.
Thank you for supporting them - their achievement is incredible!

Drinkers With Gaming Problems
2 months ago - 19 likes

Typical, isn't it?!?!? Invictus arrives, and I'm feeling under the weather! I'll get a video up before next weekend to talk about all things Invictus. Until then - enjoy the show!!!
(In other words - no stream tonight!)

Drinkers With Gaming Problems
5 months ago - 16 likes

CitizenCon has just been confirmed in Manchester on 19-20 October. I'm gonna go if I can get a ticket - let me know if you're heading there too!!!!

Drinkers With Gaming Problems
5 months ago - 9 likes

Sorry folks - no stream tonight!

Having significant microphone issues so this is not even camera related! I'm thinking of changing the name of the channel to Drinkers with Technical Problems.


Drinkers With Gaming Problems
6 months ago - 8 likes

Hey all. Due to having to get up at an ungodly hour tomorrow there will be no stream this evening. Looking forward to catching you all next week!

Drinkers With Gaming Problems
6 months ago - 69 likes

Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, I hope this coming year brings you what you need and sees you closer to your goals.

Drinkers With Gaming Problems
7 months ago - 29 likes

Wishing you all a happy holidays, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing!

Drinkers With Gaming Problems
7 months ago - 0 likes

Evening all - there won’t be a Friday night Ops stream tonight. But never fear, it will return in the new year and I’ll be streaming on Sunday as usual!

Drinkers With Gaming Problems
8 months ago - 5 likes

I messed putting this up during the stream, so I'll show it here - a great vid by the legend over at the Amidships channel!