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Duchess Celestia

76.6K subscribers - no pronouns set

Hello! I'm Paige or Duchess Celestia, and I'm an independent

Duchess Celestia
1 week ago - 132 likes

do y'all remember this video ranking art advice into a tier list? well, i'm doing another one for art hacks - drop your favourites (and least favourites) in the comments as well as what you like or hate about them and i'll include as many as possible!

Duchess Celestia
2 weeks ago - 35 likes

every month, patrons who pledge $5 or more get access to two things: a post where they can submit as many questions (art-related or personal, within reason) as they'd like to that month's Q&A, and a video in which all of those questions are answered. each monthly Q&A video segment is then followed by an update section where i share a behind-the-scenes look at what went on in both my personal and professional life that month as some sort of pseudo-vlog (as close to one as a PNGtuber can get), as well as sneak peeks into upcoming content.

by popular demand, those videos are now available for individual sale - anyone, patron or not, can purchase each individual Q&A vlog for $5 each, the same price as patron access but as a one-time fee. this does not include the ability to submit questions or interact with the posts, videos, or patron community, but will hopefully make these videos more affordable and accessible to people only interested in viewing the videos! you can find a preview of what they're like here:

and you can get access to it all over here on my patreon!

Duchess Celestia
2 weeks ago - 224 likes

do you guys prefer art-focused videos (the no-undo challenge, best & worst art tropes, same piece in seven styles, etc), art advice videos (tips for beginners, social media for artists, how to market art/get commissions, etc), art commentary videos (the ethics of selling fanart, what makes art uncanny valley, problems with art roast videos, etc), media analysis videos (why junji ito's art is so good, how diane from bojack represents the divide between artistic integrity and the desire for recognition/fame, etc), or do you like a regular combination of all of them?

Duchess Celestia
1 month ago - 486 likes

this week's video's going to be postponed until next weekend - otafest was amazing, but the amount of work that went into both prep and the con itself has left me completely exhausted both physically and mentally and i could really use some rest. sorry guys! be back on the 25th! in the meantime, here's a picture of one of my first artist alley tables compared to my table from this last weekend - it's wild how much things have changed!

Duchess Celestia
1 month ago - 376 likes

online spaces have become increasingly negative, toxic, and volatile in recent years, and many artists have expressed that while the internet used to be a place where they felt excited and safe sharing their work with likeminded peers in fandom spaces, those spaces now feel too unpredictable, unwelcoming, and hateful to foster that same environment. they’re too scared of bad faith actors and cancel culture to make friends without fear of being exposed for baseless accusations or thrown under the bus by their communities, and too insecure to share their art with peers because of how cruel and harsh unsolicited critics on so many platforms are. compared to the days of deviantart groups of artists bonding over inuyasha fanart and MLP OCs, do you feel like artists have fewer online spaces where they feel safe goofing off, making friends, and sharing and creating art amongst themselves?

Duchess Celestia
1 month ago - 120 likes

i forgot to share this here, but i recently had the opportunity to do an interview with calgary arts development for their living a creative life series!! you can check it out here (please forgive the fact that i am not, in fact, a blue-haired anime girl in real life)

Duchess Celestia
4 months ago - 692 likes

this month, i’m doing a half-satire half-legitimate tier list video ranking the most common, popular art advice - i’ve got quite a few on the list already, but what art advice (good or bad) have you guys heard a lot that i should include?

Duchess Celestia
4 months ago - 296 likes

$5+ patrons just got access to a patreon-exclusive q&a + vlog - if you're interested, you can join and check it out now! reminder: every month, patrons can now submit new questions and receive both answers & behind the scenes personal updates in vlog form!

Duchess Celestia
4 months ago - 583 likes

i was going to do a video on nightshade this week as many of you have been requesting now that it’s out, but having seen so many conflicting reports on how effective it is, how easy to use it is, and whether or not techbros are just going to use it to find a better way to detect and weed out glazed and now shaded art from datasets, i’ve decided to wait a while to see how everything unfolds and develops so that i don’t end up speaking too soon about its potential benefits.

it’s incredibly promising and you should absolutely go check TheGlazeProject on Twitter for updates on it and try it out yourself, and i will still be covering it eventually once there’s more information available about its practical use for everyday artists, but for now, that video is on hold pending further information as the project develops. (reposted from twitter due to continuing requests here)

Duchess Celestia
4 months ago - 237 likes

some important updates on my patreon tier perks:

up until now, patrons of the sponsor starling ($5) tier and higher had the opportunity to vote on upcoming content, both in terms of video topics and upcoming art. as i now need to plan video topics several months in advance in order to coordinate with sponsors more effectively and have several ongoing projects that require me to make specific art, this voting power is no longer a feasible perk for me to offer, and has been removed from all tiers.

to make up for it, sponsor starling ($5) tier+ patrons will now get monthly q&a videos! all patrons of that tier and higher will now be able to submit any questions (personal, art-related, anything!) they have once a month, and at the end of the month, i'll make a patreon-exclusive video answering them all alongside some general personal updates as to what went on behind the scenes that month. i'm really excited about this new perk, and i'm hoping you guys will like it too!

as always, if you have feedback on what i can do to improve my patreon tier perks, please feel free to share it - i'm always trying to find new ways to add value to what my supporters receive there, so it's always helpful to hear!