I’m Pieta Valentine from N.Z.
A former Physiotherapist and Diversional Therapist and the author of two books..
The Residents’ Voice: From a Dementia Unit
The Residents’ Rise: From a Dementia Unit
( both on Amazon)
These shorts and longer videos are aimed to assist family and friends helping resident-relatives in dementia units.
These videos are dementia-unit, dementia-resident specific describing the daily dementia unit challenges and positive ways to assist residents living there.
Issues are narrated in lively conversations between the character Granny (an elderly, opinionated, delightful woman with Alzheimer’s dementia but with high cognitive function) and her loyal grand daughter (a physio student) who visits the dementia unit regularly.
Family so often want to help relatives in dementia units but have little access to information or tools to know how, so here step by step they can.