in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Has the Diddy scandal taken a toll? Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are reportedly moving to Europe
54 - 21
Would you rather spend a day with a notorious criminal mastermind to understand their motivations , or spend a day with a renowned detective to learn their investigative techniques?
88 - 15
We'd like to welcome a new member to our team, Police Officer Kip! Let us know if you like the new format and any feedback you might have for us!
8 - 0
What's the worst restaurant you've ever been to? Hopefully it wasn't as bad as this! Check this out!
20 - 0
Happy Halloween! If you speak Spanish or want to learn be sure to check out our new channel in Español!! That's Spanish ;)
22 - 0
World5List is all about highly entertaining top 5 videos in a fun, fast paced, educational format that no other list channel is using! Our videos are packed with funny, crazy, scary, sad and sometimes chilling information about humans, animals, nature and world widely events . Sometimes the videos feature news stories other times we talk about myths, traditions, hoaxes or historically interesting events. Subscribe to World5List today and never miss a video again!