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The calming, relaxing sounds of nature help with study, slee

1 year ago - 14 likes

The world of fungi is one of those incredible phenomena in nature which never ceases to delight. Growing out of a dead trunk of a gorse bush these stunning burnt orange fungi put on a glorious display. I think they are a variety called velvet shank. If anyone knows for sure please do let me know.

1 year ago - 16 likes

Continuing this series of fleeting moments in nature.

Unaware of it's beauty this dried out seed head of a dock plant with pearls of snow danced in the breeze.

1 year ago - 10 likes

Have you ever noticed after a particular kind of a frosty night the roof and bonnet of your car has this beautiful pattern of tiny ice crystals covering it. These intricate patterns appear like magic, nature as the artist using only moisture from the air and a change in temperature to create these stunning patterns. A moment in #amazingnature that warrants some time looking closely into these patterns. Take the time to look into the detail in nature and you will be amazed.

1 year ago - 14 likes

If you have never had the chance to be out on a typical Irish mountain top, let me give you a glimpse of what they look like. Generally the underlying rock is very hard and doesn't permit water to drain through it easily. The Irish climate can be quite damp, so moss got a chance to grow on these mountain tops and over the millennia the layers of moss built up one on top of the other building up these unique eco systems called bogs.
I filmed this for you the other day I was out searching new locations to film. I hope you get something from this #Short video.

1 year ago - 11 likes

Nature never ceases to amaze, with it's artistry and beauty. Whilst out walking my dogs recently, I saw In the sand on a flat beach this wonderful pattern forming and shifting and changing as the water from higher up the beach meandered and carved it's way towards the sea.
Take time when you are out and about and stop and look, look closely at what performance nature is putting on in that moment.

1 year ago - 15 likes

In this clip I'm bringing you behind the scenes. When I was out and about recently location scouting. I went out onto the Rocky coastline of County Sligo, in the northwest of Ireland. The Atlantic Ocean can be quite dramatic. This particular day did not disappoint. It was a relatively calm day but out at sea there was a huge swell which created these massive waves. I thought they were very picturesque against the setting sun. I think you'll agree nature can put on quite a show. I brought my son and his friend along for the walk, they enjoyed it immensely and ended up getting a little wet as one of the 60 foot waves crashed up over the cliffs upon which they were perched.

1 year ago - 12 likes

Like delicate lace these dried flower heads hung motionless in the cold air, the ice crystals glinting in the few remaining shafts of light as the winter sun disappeared below the horizon.
Nature is filled with wonder, take your time when out walking and be mindful of all your senses as you travel through the landscape. Nature will not disappoint with little wonders, look into the detail and you will not miss them.
#amazingnature is all around you, all you have to do is look.

1 year ago - 13 likes

Nature never ceases to surprise. When I was out walking in a wonderful old walled garden I saw this rope being used as part of the architecture of the gardens design, and of course nature thought she would add her own artistic touch to it one very frosty night. Cloaking it in tiny perfectly formed ice crystals.
Take your time when out in nature, be mindful and pay attention to the detail within nature, it will delight your soul. Nature truly is #amazingnature.

1 year ago - 11 likes

I want to share this wonderful little scene with you.

I saw this beautiful work of art while out walking in a local woodland and thought, 'how amazing an artist Nature can be.' How nature took this simple metal bench one frosty night and transformed it by clocking it if a coat of tiny perfectly formed ice crystals.

When you are out in nature be mindful and seek out those beautiful scenes that are often only there for a day or so or even less, something very few people are going to experience. So many of these beautiful moments will go completely unnoticed.

1 year ago - 12 likes

I saw this beautiful scene and felt it really suited the occasion, so I recorded this 15 second clip for you. The glorious red berries glowed from beneath their coating of natures own frosting. The ice crystals were so pure and perfectly formed, this can only happen in those ideal conditions when the temperature is below freezing, there is moisture in the air and there is no wind, so the crystals have time to form to perfection.
If you can get out into nature during this amazing season of change, do so and enjoy the beauty that is there for you in glorious detail.
Have a wonderful celebration however you observe this time of year. I wish you great peace and joy.