I started gratitude journaling when I felt miserable almost all the time. It was all dark and despair, I was desperate for some light and cheerfulness in my life, to get away from the hopelessness that I was constantly feeling.
I then started writing gratitudes and appreciations for things that I could see, because those were the easiest I could do, & the tangibles were something I could not deny- the sun, the birds, the home, the food, the air that I breathe. For a few minutes while I'm journaling, I had my refuge in things that felt wonderful for me. Gradually, feelings of appreciation, positive outlook, & joy came back to me in small doses.
Slowly, by using these simple practices that anyone could do, I was elevated from misery to hope, to belief, to knowing, and to joy. Now, whenever I find myself back in my dark place, I know how to climb out of it. This continuous daily practice for appreciation journaling pulled me out of my perception of misery, & truly changed my life.