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Ben Vallack

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Uncovering unconventional wisdom to optimize day-to-day work

Ben Vallack
5 days ago - 22 likes

Some of you asked for examples of how I've used AI in my day to day workflows. Here's a work related project that demonstrates it pretty well! 

This week, I’m using AI to bring our technical support documents up to speed. We’ve run with SetSeed so fast that the documentation, of course, hasn’t kept up.

It’s been quite interesting because I now have a ChatGPT conversation where I’m essentially teaching it how SetSeed works so that I can then ask it to generate support articles on given topics.

The process currently needs quite a bit of coercion to generate each document accurately, but it does look like it might be possible to get it to a point where it will be able to draw on what it’s learned to actually answer user questions intelligently.

If this works, it then paves the way for us to embed a chat-powered help tool where you can simply ask why something isn’t working or how to do something, and it will generate specific instructions tailored to the features and widgets enabled on a specific website.

Here's an example of a test question and a pretty impressive response.

Ben Vallack
6 days ago - 43 likes

Apple Announcement Hot Take:

Firstly, I’m relieved. For the last two months, a significant part of me was actually starting to think Apple apparently missing the AI boat might be the start of their downfall.

Then, last week, I saw that Nvidia had knocked Apple off their no. 2 spot, which only fueled my concerns further.

But make no mistake: what we saw in today’s announcement was exactly what I thought we needed to see and much more.

I knew that Apple needed a different take on AI than what everyone else is doing. It wouldn’t be enough to just make Siri do what ChatGPT can do. We needed to see a much more privacy-focused system and, of course, one that has deep integration with the iOS ecosystem.

My main concern was wondering how they would allow for on-device processing to perform as well as the server-based LLMs. Luckily, they seem to have struck a home run with that too by allowing for cloud processing power in a totally private way. This is a huge deal. Think in terms of unlimited processing power in the cloud without your data ever actually being visible to anyone with access to those servers. This is what we need to really embrace AI.

AI systems will end up knowing more about us than our closest friends and family after years of interaction data pouring into them. We want to start this era with privacy first—not as an afterthought. And it seems as though Apple is here to make that happen.

But it’s not just the privacy element of allowing so much on-device processing, supported by private cloud processing. It’s the way the tools are integrated across the ecosystem.

This is so fascinating because it’s something that only Apple can possibly do now, as a result of their hardware and software integration. It seems like a wonderful payoff for Apple’s approach all these years.

To have an ecosystem of apps all able to work with an AI assistant to make it faster to get stuff done is so exciting. Normal computing workflows are just going to be obsolete once this starts getting up to speed.

Things like moving assets between apps, intelligent extraction of data from content, changing between formats, AI summary and sorting of emails, and intelligent prioritisation of notifications are all very transformative workflows and, of course, almost certainly only scratching the surface.

Of course, I should never have doubted them these last few months. Apple has a history of simply waiting for the first-run products to settle before coming in late with something that beats everyone else.

But wait, I hear you say—didn’t Apple just use ChatGPT? Well, not really. It seems to me that they realised they needed to integrate external chatbots because their own models are more focused on ecosystem integration and ability. Whereas LLMs like ChatGPT have world knowledge and other models in the future might specialise in other areas. Apple is just being sensible and recognising now is not the time to make people feel locked in anymore. I don’t see this as a cop-out at all—just a great all-around solution that has enormous benefits for users.

Exciting times indeed.

Ben Vallack
6 days ago - 9 likes

People who wear rucksacks for EDC. How do you stop all the stuff just piling up at the bottom? Or does that not really matter?

I'm thinking of adopting a bag of some sort instead of just pocket carry for all the kit I want handy.

I've tried a sling but by the time I add a few more things like my Shakedry and battery bank it starts to get a bit stuffed.

Figured if I just went with a rucksack I could have enough room for a bottle of water, sun hat, shakedry, extended first aid etc.

But my concern is everything just turning into a bit pile at the bottom all the time.

Love to hear your thoughts!

Ben Vallack
1 week ago - 34 likes

Wondering if people have any questions on any of the stuff I've reviewed over the years. Would love to answer queries on longevity given some of my videos are several years old now. Happy to reply here!

Some of the things I've looked at on this channel are:
-custom keyboards
-robot lawnmower
-bell tent
-roof tent
-barefoot shoes
-Gore-tex shakedry
-Paramo Analogy (non-membrane waterproof coat)
-pocket tool kits
-apple watch
-smart blinds
-Tesla 3/Y
-roof basket
-car wash routines (lots of updates here)
-Dyson fans and vacuumes
-using large OLED TV as computer display to save eyes
-HomePod home cinema
-treadmill workstation
-various software workfows
-car camping gear/setup

Ben Vallack
1 month ago - 22 likes

Curious to know how many of you in the UK would consider buying one of these hard shell roof tents if I could get some UK stock sorted - it would be available via Younghunter website at their normal price (around £1500) or via me for a slightly higher price but I would offer support and a UK business to deal with. Shipping would be 1-2 days in mainland UK.

Ben Vallack
1 month ago - 25 likes

Really impressed by these USB lights from Ikea. (The one lighting the back of the car) This is the STRIMSÄV - £8. (Not sponsored, just pleased to have found a pleasant colour temperature LED light that can run off the big power stations).

Ben Vallack
2 months ago - 28 likes

For the first time I'm actually excited about a future with AI.

Up to now I was on the fence.

Over the past few days, since they launched on Product Hunt, I have been testing the AI assistant called Martin.

This is a ChatGPT 4 powered bot that has useful additional connections, including Google search and your calendars with much more coming soon.

Specifically, the team behind Martin want to allow it to make and take phone calls and I think this has huge implications. This could bridge the gap between the connected world and the more boutique non-connected one.

What's really cool is how you can interact with Martin over SMS - I've found this to be a really natural way of using a tool like this.

Apple will no doubt release something better soon but this is a great incentive for them to crack on!!


(Post written without AI and with no incentives!)

Ben Vallack
3 months ago - 75 likes

You might have noticed I'm experimenting with my thumbnails in an effort to make my videos more recognisable to my existing subscribers.

I want to create a consistent look so when you see this style thumbnail in your feed you know you'll be in for an information-dense video full of interesting tips, tricks and hidden details on a range of topics.

I'm also trying to make sure my videos are broad enough to remain interesting and enjoyable even if a topic isn't your main focus.

By the way the 'arrow' design was hand drawn my my artist dad. You won't see it anywhere else. I think it gives them a really interesting style.

Let me know if you think this is a good idea and what you think of the new 'look'!

Ben Vallack
3 months ago - 15 likes

6.1mi/kWh - mind blown! (2021 IONIQ)