Hello and Welcome my name is Mez I also go by the name of Teot which means The Embodiment of Truth. We are all Teot.
I want to share my journey of self mastery or self discipline through Faith based mental training. The Law of Faith is a law worth understanding.
Mental training is a passion and it's because of all the lessons learned by way of Faith.
The Breath is the focal point of our training because the Breath is Life. The Breath once aligned gives us mental power to do amazing things in life harmoniously.
On this channel we train our mind to be healthy and strong by strengthening our Focus and Concentration muscles.
By the end of this year 2024 we will train ourselves to be mentally fit for the Life we desire.
The Breath being a shapeshifter can open us up to a wealth of Wisdom that acts as our Power tool to manifest and heal at will.
I have created a channel in which we can be, do and have according to our willingness to be mentally fit.
Welcome and let's get to it.