Krishna and Narayana are no different !
Madhwacharya is none other than the Jeevottama Lord Vayu (Narayana's greatest devotee after Lakshmi Devi) . Madhwesha Krishna means Shri Madhwacharya's Lord is Shri Krishna the ultimate supreme lord
You'll get to know many things about the Hindu scriptures and shastras here . Do Subscribe to know more about Krishna!!
This channel aims to provide the information about Shri Narayana because knowing him , liberates us from this cycle of birth and death which is given by no one other than Shri Hari . Many more information about dwaita institutions or monasteries will be given too
Originally this channel name was KRISHNA GYAAN , so the water mark in initial videos of this channel are with the name "KRISHNA GYAAN/GYAN"