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Ross's Rural Life

5.6K subscribers - no pronouns :c

A channel looking at self sufficiency, gardening, some hunti

German wasps (Vespula germanica) stripping my nashi fruit well before they ripen! #shorts A Wiltshire lambe standing up to eat oak leaves #shorts A 2 week old Wiltshire lamb nibbling grass #shorts My 13 year old bantam dust bathing on a warm summer day #shorts Bella; my kunekune pig eating windfall plums in the orchard #shorts A close encounter with a wild (feral) nanny goat. I let her leave #shorts A close encounter with a wild (feral) nanny goat. I let her leave #shorts DIY fertiliser! Using a plant pot & duck pond water to fertilise/water newly planted leeks #shorts Bantam breakfast time! #shorts My Buff Orpington ducks stealing food from the bucket #shorts A slow roasted wild (feral) goat leg just out of the oven #shorts My Buff Orpington ducks looking for worms in newly emptied tire gardens #shorts A newborn Wiltshire lamb having its first drink of milk from mum #shorts My kunekune pig called Bella has learnt to shake apples off the tree! #shorts A freshly hatched tiny bantam chick It hatched 2 days late! #shorts My Dorking chickens eating fallen apple blossom petals in my orchard #shorts A newborn Wiltshire lamb having its first drink of milk from mum #shorts Collecting fresh eggs from my White Orpington hens #shorts Willow; my kunekune pig noisily eating windfall apples! #shorts My super friendly White Orpington rooster eating out of my hand #shorts Bella; my kunekune pig cooling off in her wallow #shorts Placing fertile duck eggs under a broody White Orpington hen for her to hatch #shorts My bantams feeding on leftover wild (introduced species, feral) goat bones #shorts Honey bees collecting water for their hive from the stones beside a forest stream #shorts A feral sow (hog) feeding her piglets in the New Zealand back country #shorts Giving my kunekune pig called Willow a tummy rub #shorts Placing fertile White Orpington eggs under a broody bantam for her to hatch #shorts A NZ heading dog (sheepdog) "eyeing" the penned sheep, & wanting to work them #shorts A Wiltshire lambe standing up to eat oak leaves #shorts A Dorking hen sitting on her eggs in the long grass in the rain #shorts A newborn Wiltshire lamb only half an hour old! #shorts A 3 day old White Orpington chick being moved to pen on pasture with its mum #shorts A Dorking chicken hatching from its egg in an incubator #shorts Loading Dorking & bantam eggs into the incubator #shorts Cleanly skinning a wild (feral) goat skin for food and to tan the skin for a floor rug #shorts My friendly Wiltshire ewe receiving her daily rump rub! #shorts A New Zealand small owl called the morepork/ruru (Ninox novaeseelandiae) calling at night.#shorts Calling my colourful free range bantams back to their pen to feed them #shorts Giving my kunekune pig called Willow a tummy rub #shorts My colourful free range bantams foraging in the leaf litter under the oak trees #shorts Browning off wild (feral introduced species) goat leg chops & shank prior to slow cooking #shorts My colourful bantams foraging in the pasture & their mobile pen behind them #shorts My kunekune pig called Willow cooling off in her muddy wallow on a warm spring day #shorts My bantams feeding on leftover wild (introduced species, feral) goat bones #shorts My kunekune pig called Bella grunting happily in her warm straw bed #shorts My friendly Wiltshire ewe receiving her daily rump rub! #shorts My heritage breed Dorking chickens peacefully foraging in my orchard on a spring evening #shorts My White Orpington rooster excitedly telling his hens that I've filled their auto-feeder #shorts