Everything is related. While this won't be about every thing, necessarily, I do hope to give visitors a better understanding of how everything in the universe is interrelated. So, this is a collective. A cloud of dust. A quiver of arrows. A group of things. A mash-up* of Marnie. A mashup is a fusion of disparate elements like Indian Country, environmentalism, music and everything in between. Sounds complicated and confusing but my sign Capricorn is very agile both on land and in water, being half goat and half fish. I'll be sharing stories, experiences, struggles, and obstacles overcome. Content you find here will be half sweet and half sour, a little merry and a little moody, but you will always find the mish and the mash to be authentic, reliable and dependable. Always with integrity, a sense of duty and obligation.
*mash-up [ 'maSH-ep] NOUN - a fusion of disparate elements.