Dr. Sunil Dachepalli has 25-plus years of experience in Orthopaedics. After under graduating from Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad, he completed master's training at Kasturba medical college, Mangalore. Later he worked in the UK for 10 years and underwent specialist training in trauma, primary and revision joint replacements, shoulder surgeries & sports medicine, including a fellowship in computer-assisted joint replacements. He worked in the prestigious Wrightington Hospitals, where Sir John Charnley popularised joint replacements for the first time in the world. He underwent specialist training in USA for Robotic Joint Replacements.
His specialties:
Extensive Indian and UK experience
Trainer for UK & Indian Surgeons
Patient walking in 4 hours after Joint Replacements
Partial Knee Replacements
Shoulder Surgeries
PRP, Stem Cell Injections
Key Hole Surgeries
Revision Joint Replacement+Complex Fractures
Operated on patients from around 36 Countries Robotic minimally invasive surgeries