Welcome JP's Bricks YouTube. This channel is dedicated to building Lego sets. Here you will see Lego Harry Potter, Star Wars, Disney, Avengers and even NASA Space sets. I produce both live streams and recorded videos. When watching my videos you will be able to escape the crazy world we live and just maybe be reconnected with your youth or even just rediscover your passion for Lego. You can be young or old and still enjoy building with Lego. For me there is also a much more personnel reason why I build Lego. Through a DNA health site, I learned that I have a higher disposition for late onset Alzheimer's so I do this to help keep my mind sharp and hopefully give my family some wonderful memories of me. #lego #legoharrypotter #legostarwars #legodisney #legonasa #legospace #harrypotter #starwars #disney #NASA #space