Welcome to the official SparX podcast channel!
At SparX, we delve deep into the idea of "India" — economics, politics, history, science, entrepreneurship and opportunities. Coupled with cutting-edge scientific research, stories from impact-makers and tools for unlocking the secrets to human potential and growth; SparX is the one podcast where you can understand India and fully make the most of the opportunities it offers.
The country is at the cusp of greatness and at SparX, we wish to make these tools accessible for every generation of Indians to be able to make the most of the opportunities around us.
In a new episode every Monday, our host Mukesh Bansal (Founder of Myntra and Cult.fit) will talk to guests from all walks of life and also break down everything he's learnt about the science of impact over the course of his 20-year long career.
This is the India Century, and we're enthusiastic to start this journey with you.