in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Marhaban ya Ramadhan!
Selamat menunaikan Ibadah Puasa 1 Ramadhan 1446 H
Hari ini bertepatan dengan jadwal nya Battle Island Prime Garp #OPFP
15 - 0
One Piece Fighting Path
Card Set Rekomendasi terbaru
How to get Card Gold
26 - 6
One Piece Dream Pointer
Terungkap Karakter Banner berikut nya adalah Kurohige versi saat VS Ace..
Karakter Protective
Warna Ungu
The next Banner Character is revealed to be Kurohige's VS Ace version..
Protective Character
Purple Color
11 - 3
#onepieceambition news
Laporan Peristiwa Maritim
●Pratinjau pembaruan versi utama
1. Alur cerita utama baru diperbarui, dan bab Pulau Langit yang romantis akan segera hadir;
2. Acara bertema Petualangan Pulau Langit diluncurkan, dengan aktivitas baru setiap minggu;
3. Menambahkan gameplay pertempuran legendaris ke adegan petualangan, dan memperbarui peralatan seri samurai;
4. Mitra baru Ganfor, Empat Pendeta Pulau Langit, Fox, Barry, Jabra, Zorro [Pulau Yudisial] dan yang lainnya akan segera muncul.
Description of major maritime events
●Preview of major version update
1. The new main storyline is updated, and the romantic Sky Island chapter is coming;
2. The Sky Island Adventure theme event is launched, with new activities every week;
3. Added legendary battle gameplay to the adventure scene, and updated the samurai series equipment;
4. New partners Ganfor, the Four Priests of Sky Island, Fox, Barry, Jabra, Zorro [Judicial Island] and others are about to appear.
14 - 2
New Char [SS] • GDF Banner
🦊 Yamato ❄️
🔴 Element Merah / Red • 6 Feb 2025 🔴
🎮 One Piece Fighting Path
22 - 0
Assalamualaikum Halo Semua Saya Irwan Sosiawan
Di Channel ini saya akan Membagikan guide ataupun gameplay game One Piece Fighting Path, One Piece Ambition, One Piece Dream Pointer
Untuk Video OPFP Saya Share Tentang Gameplay PVP, guide, dll
Terimakasih buat yang sudah support .
Dan jika kalian mau bertanya-tanya bisa boleh inbox ke facebook
Assalamualaikum Hello Everyone I am Irwan Sosiawan
In this Channel I will share guides or gameplay of the game One Piece Fighting Path, One Piece Ambition, One Piece Dream Pointer
For OPFP Videos I Share About PVP Gameplay, guides, etc.
Thank you for those who have supported.
And if you want to ask questions, you can inbox to facebook