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More from this channel (soon)

1 week ago - 140 likes

I am live now with @NandovMovies playing Fortnite to raise money for the Cancer Research Institute. Please check out the stream and consider donating to help us reach our goal!

1 week ago - 550 likes

Tomorrow at 3PM CST, me and a wonderful group of other Comic Book YouTubers will be playing Fortnite to raise money for the Cancer Research Institute. I've partnered with the awesome@NandovMovies, who will also be streaming the event. We will of course stomp everyone else, assuming that he does all the work because I have played less than 1 hour of Fortnite.

Hey, it's for a good cause! Seriously though, I hope you will watch and please consider donating. Here is the link in case you want to donate now without watching me embarrass myself:

(And, before you ask: yes, a new video is coming. Hopefully next week. Biggest one yet, lots of research. 3 interview subjects, 100s of comics, dozens of legal documents. I hope it will be worth the wait.)

1 month ago - 1.3K likes


I'm looking to pay an experienced YouTube editor who loves comics to help me take my videos to the next level and allow me to spend more time on research, writing, and interviewing.

The job would entail editing my videos (premiere pro) along with compiling the necessary B-roll, making some graphics & animation, plus light audio mixing and color correction.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, please email me your:


(Also, to all of my viewers seeing this: thank you for your support over the past year. YOU have given me the resources to keep investing in making better videos.)

1 month ago - 816 likes

Unfortunately, it's been brought to my attention that my latest video has been restricted by YouTube.

I have filed an appeal, but as a small channel, I don't have much hope that their decision will be reversed. But there are still a few ways you can help:

1) Watch the video! I've heard from a few of you that it didn't show up in your feeds, so if you're interested please seek it out on my page.
2) Share the video outside of YouTube (if you enjoyed it). Putting it on social media or just sending it to a friend really helps.
3) If you are subscribed to my channel and are not getting notifications, please make sure to turn on the bell next to your subscription.

I know YouTube's systems are automated and I can see why the discussion of terrible historical events in this video may have flagged it, but I did keep everything squarely PG and I think it's a story that is perfectly appropriate for people under 18.

I'm disappointed, not just because this basically means I'll have no income this month, but because I think so many people out there would enjoy these comics and be moved by the story of this writer.

Thank you guys for reading!

1 month ago - 4K likes

A year ago today I posted my first video to this channel.

I had just been laid off from my job, and I thought it might be helpful for my career to learn how to edit.

I took an online class and as a final project, with zero expectations, I made a video about comic books. I made it just for myself, the kind of video I would want to watch, the kind of video essay that "no one watches on YouTube anymore."

I fully expected that to be the end. But, 12 videos later, somehow I have 175,000 subscribers and over 17,000,000 views! Even as I write those numbers I still can't fully comprehend them.

So I just want to thank you, yes, YOU, for watching my videos.

It might not seem like a big thing, but because you decide to watch my videos each month, you have changed my life. You have given me the opportunity to make videos full time, permission to make the kinds of videos I want to make, and an opportunity for me to share some of the comics I love with a wide audience.

So yeah, thank you! I am grateful to YOU for every day I get to do this as "a job." I know that YouTube is fickle, that the music can stop at any time, but I really hope that I'm still here, writing another post like this next year!

Thanks again and I hope you have a nice day.

1 month ago - 1.3K likes

Hi there. New video tomorrow. Another passion project. This is probably the least-well-known creator (at least in the United States) that I have covered on this channel, but I hope you will check it out, because I think most people who watch this channel will really enjoy his work!

2 months ago - 838 likes

HELP NEEDED! Do you speak fluent Spanish? Do you know about the history of Argentina and Argentinian comics?

I'm working on a video and I have reached the limit of English language sources, and I'm looking for someone to help me with researching and translating Spanish language sources. Paid, of course.

If this sounds like you or someone you know, please email me at matttt at mattwith4ts dot com.

2 months ago - 795 likes

What's missing from this picture? The missing comic is the subject of my next video.

(To be fair, there are probably a bunch of comics missing, but the one I'm referring to is the most obvious one, I hope).

4 months ago - 973 likes

New video tomorrow. I hope you will check it out. This one is more of a passion project and a less popular subject. Which is a weird thing to say about the most widely-read American artist to ever work in comics!

6 months ago - 702 likes

New Video Toddmorrow! Finally! It's a double length episode, so I hope it was worth the wait. Make sure you subscribe and hit the bell so you don't miss it!