I'm Cleyzii and I'll be posting a lot of videos here
Especially Speedpaints and memes
Gender: Girl💕✨
Height: erm.. I rather not tell 😂
Where am from: 🇯🇵/🇵🇭
My fave food: chOcoLaTe🍫
Drink: coffee☕
Hobbies: Playing instruments and singing! ♪♪
Instruments?: Drums, ukalele, piano and violin
My inspiration: ★Gachatubers★ and my subs~
My fave color: blue🌑❄☁
My fave person's first letter in her name: D🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫✨
Goal: 10k subs 💕🌱✨
Thanks to all my supporters!!✨
☆I hope we can build a fam in this community☆
・Please take care and yea!・
-Peace out💕💕💕
2nd acc: Thea・Blue