Hi come back my chanel youtube me :
Hi guys, how are you today, this hour, this minute, this second, right now Thank you very much for those of you who have subscribed to my channel Watch until the end of the video I uploaded subscribe Like comment share C-Link Activate the bell or notification after subscribing to my channel and read my channel description I never force you to be on my channel, just those who want to you and all of you understand?
Senang nya bisa kenal sama kalian semua yang diatas itu teks nya tinggal di translate aja ya Gank
jadi apakah anda semuanya sudah paham dengan deskripsi saya? dan mengapa saya bisa menulis ini semua?
Tinggal dimana kakak? :
= Aku tinggal di
[Kota Madiun]
Provinsi mana kak? :
= Ya udah jelas
[Jawa timur] dongs
Agama kakak apa?
[Islam , salam toleransi bagi yang nonis]
Umur kakak berapa?
[11 tahun]
Kelas berapa?
[5 SD]
Lahir kapan?
[25 november 2013]
Akun kedua : @Peunutcheese_butter