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Play games 💕💜 *heads up changed my tiktok to mag._.zag

2 months ago - 11 likes

I went on vacation! Denmark and then France. Hot take: Denmark has better pastries than France.
It was amazing and was why there haven't been any videos lately. I also got a lil sick. I'm feeling better now and am getting back into the swing of things. That's all, byyeee

10 months ago - 16 likes

Hi! Good news, the teeth came out real good. And now I'm recovering at home playin games and takin it easy. I'll be back to regular activities soon!

10 months ago - 18 likes


Long story short my presence on YouTube will be spotty until mid Sept due to various life things. Wish me luck, byyyeeee

(If you'd like to know more, I give more info in member only posts, which of course is ONLY IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT PLEASE DONT GIVE ME MONEY OTHERWISE, I DON'T NEED IT)

11 months ago - 1 likes

I need your advice!

I've always struggled with finding time to put enough long form content out w/my schedule and I've started dabbling in editing videos into shorts.

First off, no matter what is said here, I really like editing these shorts. It's a quick and fun way to make me feel creative and productive so I'm going to stick with it for awhile. Despite that, I'd like to hear feedback on if you would watch a shorts series. If I could keep up a posting schedule for shorts for everyday, would that be something you'd like?

I totally get that a lot of gameplay aspects are lost when condensing this much but I like that I can focus on comedy and game highlights. It also might be nice for those of us who don't have time to watch full gameplay.

Shorts WILL NEVER replace my long form content. I will continue to post traditional long form videos. Shorts are just another way for me to interact with the game & be creative. Ideally, I would like to be able to make a long form video and a shorts series from the same game. And once the game is finished, my goal is to combine all the shorts into a fun compilation video that tldr's the entire game.

Sorry, I've rambled! I've been extremely motivated to revamp my approach to YT so that it can fit into my lifestyle in a harmonious & exciting way. I'm still working on it but I'm super optimistic atm.

Thanks for stopping by!