Alhumdulilah, now our daughter zunaira is certified youngest voice over artist. Its a first milestone toward success.
I would like to Thank you every single person who give her Dua and wishes and react on her Video. I Really appreciate every one give your precious time to see my Sweet Angel Video . I also request you all that please remember her in your prayers for her health as she is fighting against hydrocephalus and craniosynotosis, expected 5th Major surgery when she will be 8 years old but this surgery is not possible in Pakistan it can be done only in UK , USA or Canada to set her mid face and eyes drafting ,plastic and cosmatic surgery, we all are praying that She will get well without any more Surgery by Allah's Bless and everyone prayers ,Therefore we all Family Members humbly requesting each and every person to remember her on your prayers. Once again I really really Appreciate you all for your wishes,Love and Comments JazakAllah khair.