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Welcome to ExitSign250! The YouTube channel all about fire s

1 week ago - 50 likes

My main channel just reached 15,000 subscribers, while my second channel just reached 1,000! Another incredible milestone. Thanks for all of the support!

1 year ago - 51 likes

Ten years ago today I uploaded my very first video to my YouTube channel. While I originally made my account on accident, realizing I could upload videos and share my interests with the world and be apart of a community that also had my same hobbies was really exciting to me. I originally treated my YouTube channel as a side project that I would post when I was bored or had a video idea I wanted to make. I began to gain a steady following and eventually started to treat my channel with more importance. I never wouldā€™ve imagined Iā€™d be in the position I am in today. With over 12,000 subscribers and almost 5 million overall views I couldnā€™t be more grateful. Iā€™ve received so much positivity over the years from you all and some have told me I have been a direct inspiration to them which I am honored to be. To those Iā€™ve met online and have became friends with thank you for your kindness. And of course I want to thank all of my fans, subscribers, followers, and viewers for allowing me to be in the place I am in today. My online presence in this community has really become an important part of my life and I am so happy I can make videos and posts about my passions for other to enjoy. I hope to continue to be active in this community for as long as I can. Thank you for an amazing 10 years!

To celebrate my 10th anniversary, I have uploaded a special Q&A video on my YouTube channel answering questions from all of my awesome fans and viewers. Check it out!

1 year ago - 35 likes

My ever so popular ā€œSetting Off Fire Sprinklers with Fire Alarm Activationā€ video has just reached 1 million views! This would be my first ever video to hit this view count. And yes, I am planning on making a sequel. Still a really crazy achievement for a channel like mine!

1 year ago - 40 likes

My channel has reached 10,000 subscribers. This is an amazing milestone and I want to thank each and every one of you for making this possible. I have uploaded a short video celebrating this achievement, which will also be my 250th video! Thanks for 10,000 subscribers!

2 years ago - 38 likes

The channel has reached 7,000 subscribers! Another amazing milestone. Thank you for the support!

3 years ago - 42 likes

My channel turns 8 years old today! Thank you all for the support over the years!

3 years ago - 31 likesā€¦
In the next system test, Iā€™m going to attempt to have my viewers choose what alarms are installed and where. I havenā€™t done a requested test in 3 years, and have never done it for my demo boards. This will be experimental as I want to allow anyone to vote and not limit the number. Click the link to submit your request!

3 years ago - 28 likes

We hit 4,000 subscribers! This is awesome, and an incredible milestone. Thanks everyone!

4 years ago - 23 likes

Itā€™s been 7 years since I started YouTube. And I can tell you it hasnā€™t seemed that long. Weā€™ve hit over 1 million overall views and about 4,000 subscribers. I give you, my viewers and fans, all the credit. Thanks for a great 7 years, and I canā€™t wait to continue for years to come! As for a special, check out this video I uploaded to my second channel, EZ250.
Thanks again for all your support over the years!

4 years ago - 22 likes

Iā€™ve noticed some people are unaware that The Boards series is about fire alarms and testing them. I was thinking about changing the name to System Tests so more people would know what the videos are about. Would you like to see this happen?