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True Horror Stories POV

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Since young, I've had my fair share of supernatural encounte

True Horror Stories POV
4 weeks ago - 281 likes

Hey POViewers!

We’re thrilled to announce that we’re back on the grind! Insya’Allah, new POV episodes will be airing soon. For the latest updates, be sure to follow our founder, Naqiah Ayub, on Instagram at “Qryxtiianaqiah” and our official THSPOV account at “THSPOVOfficialAccount”

We truly appreciate your support and would love for you to join our community on other social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. Every follow makes a difference and helps us grow.

Thank you in advance for your continued support. We look forward to connecting with you all!

Lots of love,

True Horror Stories POV
6 months ago - 475 likes

Assalamualaikum and hi POViewers!

Just wanted to “pop” by real quick and announce the latest addition to the THSPOV team! - Baby Jemma 🥰

Alhamdulilah not only that the team has grown, but our little family as well. Shoutout to my husband for being so amazing throughout my (very challenging) pregnancy and even now, as a new dad. Hopefully that will continue on till the end, insya’Allah Aamin ya rabbal alamin 🤲🏼

Okay that’s the latest update for now.

Boo! 👻

#truehorrorstoriespov #thspov

True Horror Stories POV
9 months ago - 390 likes

See ya! 😈

True Horror Stories POV
1 year ago - 307 likes

Hi Assalamualaikum everyone! 👻

First and foremost THSPOV would like to wish all the muslims brother and sisters “Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa” ❤️

Semoga amal ibadah kite diterima Allah swt di bulan yang penuh berkah ini. Aamin ya rabbal alamin!

Anyway just wanted to update y’all that if you miss watching our POVs (we know we have been MIA for quite a while now 🙏🏼), we are currently posting “Ramadan Special” series on Naqiah’s Instagram!!

Head over to Instagram and give her your love, like and a follow! And also enjoy the short POVs that we have made just for this blessed month of Ramadan.

Once again thank you everyone for your kind support and love, and we will see you guys soon - insya’Allah!

THSPOV Team 🫶🏼💕

True Horror Stories POV
1 year ago - 452 likes

Salam POViewers!! 👻

Just wanted to share with you guys an exclusive mini interview that Naqiah did with the ‪@JustPlayingGuys‬ team with regards to “the incident”.

Insya’Allah we will be sharing with you guys soon what actually happened but do give us a bit more time to sort out some stuff on our end before we release any official statement or videos.

Your kind understanding is much appreciated.

Anyway as promised, this is the link! Enjoy! 🍿…

Alternatively, you can head over to their channel ‪@JustPlayingGuys‬ to watch the FULL video. Do like and subscribe to their channel as well! ❤️

True Horror Stories POV
1 year ago - 1.5K likes

Salam everyone!

We have reached the end of season three for now. Thank you for all your love and support guys! 💕

If you’ve watched the last episode premiered last night and saw the “incident”, know that Alhamdulilah the team is recovering.

To those who DM-ed or commented asking if we are okay? Thank you for your concern and well wishes/prayer. You guys are amazing. Thank you for being our constant motivation to continue to do this.

THSPOV is nothing without all of you. Thank you! ❤️

Insya’Allah we will be sharing what happened during the incident soon - maybe a special segment perhaps? So do stay tuned for more updates!

You can also follow Naqiah (the founder) on her Instagram at “Qryxtiianaqiah” to not miss out any posts or updates as well.

Follow our official Instagram at “THSPOVOfficialAccount” to browse through our merchandise.

And vibe with the team and their antics via our TikTok “True Horror Stories POV”

That’s all for now and last but not least, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! 🎊

True Horror Stories POV
1 year ago - 401 likes

Hi everyone..

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you guys follow Qryxtiianaqiah (Naqiah) on her Instagram, you’ve seen that she, Naya and Acap lost their beloved grandfather yesterday, 4th November 2022.

This is the third loss we encountered just this year alone.

We really apologise for being slow on our content of late. Wasn’t expecting so much to happen within a year.

Just know that we do take the time to read all your comments and replies ya. But apologies if we forgot to reply to them - will work on that 🙏🏼

Anyways, hope everyone else is having a good day ahead. Stay tuned for further updates.

Till next time,
THSPOV team 💕

True Horror Stories POV
1 year ago - 316 likes

Hey guys!

We’re back~

Thank you so much for being so kind and understanding during our tough period. Really means a lot to us 🫶🏼

Anyway we have prepared a lil something special for y’all tonight at 9pm. Just wanted to out something new!

Hope you guys will enjoy it! ❤️

Lots of love,
THSPOV team 💕

True Horror Stories POV
1 year ago - 394 likes

Hey salam everyone 👋🏼😞

First and foremost we would like to apologise for not posting a new video for almost a month now.

Unfortunately we suffered two deaths of a loved ones this month, and so we are taking the time off to grieve. We sincerely hope for your kind understanding and support through this difficult time.

Insya’Allah we will continue shooting soon and will update y’all when we will release the next video.

Till next time..

Lots of love,

True Horror Stories POV
1 year ago - 425 likes

Hey guys!!

THSPOV have been invited to be part of the F1 event this year and we will be premiering an exclusive featured POV “The Hill” - on the 29th September @ 8.30pm, Aliwal Street Carpark (Singapore).

This is a first for THSPOV! It will be an outdoor screening experience for y’all to enjoy with your family and friends! 👻

Aside from the premiere, we will also be sharing a special segment “Gangguan semasa shooting” aka “Disturbances during shooting” after the premiere of “The Hill”.


Oh not forgetting, the first 100 guests will be able to redeem a bag of popcorn and a can drink!

So hurry get your tickets and we hope to see y’all on the 29th of September!! 👻

THSPOV team 💕